Celestial Plasma Field Energization Remote Activation Thursday, Sept. 19th
Brand New! ✨Celestial Plasma Field Energization ...this brilliant Energization Activation offers a transformative remote healing experience, utilizing the advanced technology of the 7th Dimensional Holodeck & the support of your Galactic Team to elevate your energetic system & expand your spiritual potential. It's coming up soon and it's only $49 as part of our Summer Sale...! ✨
Stimulate your Celestial plasma energy fields to channel & harness high-frequency galactic energies for a profound boost to your spiritual & energetic capacities.
Celestial Plasma Field Energization is an advanced distant healing activation that takes place within the 7th Dimensional Holodeck, a highly sophisticated energetic space where your bioelectrical system is enhanced to channel and harness high-frequency galactic energies. This dimensional technique combines the power of Celestial plasma energy with the wisdom and support of your Galactic Team to provide a profound upgrade to your spiritual & energetic capabilities. ✨
How It Works:
In the 7th Dimensional Holodeck, a specialized plasma field is generated, resonating with your unique energetic signature. As this plasma field interacts with your energy body, it activates dormant pathways within your bioelectrical system, optimizing your ability to channel high-frequency galactic energies. The Holodeck is specifically attuned to your vibrational state, ensuring that the plasma energy flows in perfect harmony with your natural energy patterns.
Your Galactic Team, a collective of advanced multidimensional beings, collaborates within the Holodeck to tailor the plasma field to your needs. They infuse the Celestial plasma with specific galactic frequencies from various star systems, imprinted onto your energy field. This raises your vibrational state and deepens your connection to these higher-dimensional energies, empowering you to access and integrate the wisdom and light of the cosmos.
✨Core Components of the Activation:
  1. Plasma Field Simulation: Within the 7th Dimensional Holodeck, a dynamic plasma field is created, designed to interact directly with your bioelectrical system and facilitate high-frequency energy flow.
  2. Energetic Alignment: The plasma field is finely tuned by your Galactic Team to align with your current energetic needs, ensuring a seamless and harmonious enhancement of your energy body.
  3. Bioelectrical System Activation: The plasma energy permeates your bioelectrical system, activating dormant energetic pathways and expanding your capacity to channel and integrate galactic energies.
  4. Galactic Energy Imprinting: The plasma field is embedded with specific galactic frequencies, tailored by your Galactic Team, to imprint onto your energy body and elevate your vibrational state.
  5. Harmonization and Grounding: The activation concludes with a grounding sequence within the Holodeck, guided by your Galactic Team, to stabilize the newly integrated energies and ensure they are harmoniously aligned with your physical reality.
  • Amplified Energy Flow: Your bioelectrical system is energized and optimized, allowing for a more efficient flow of high-frequency energies and a greater capacity to channel galactic wisdom.
  • Enhanced Galactic Connection: The collaboration with your Galactic Team and the integration of specific galactic frequencies deepen your connection to higher-dimensional realms and cosmic sources.
  • Overall Energetic Balance: The activation brings your energy body into greater harmony, supporting both your spiritual evolution and physical well-being.
Plasma Field Energization, within the 7th Dimensional Holodeck & with the guidance of your Galactic Team, offers a transformative and immersive way to elevate your energetic system & spiritual practice. This advanced healing activation provides profound energetic upgrades, ensuring you are aligned with the highest frequencies of the cosmos.✨ https://tinyurl.com/CelestialPlasmaActivation
The Bio-Electrical System refers to the intricate network of energy pathways and energetic components within your body that interact with and support your overall health and spiritual well-being.
Here’s a deeper look into the Bio-Electrical System:
1. Energy Pathways:
  • Meridians: These are the channels through which energy flows in traditional Chinese medicine. They connect various organs and systems, influencing overall health and vitality.
  • Nadis and Chakras: In the yogic tradition, nadis are energy channels that intersect at chakras, the primary energy centers. Each chakra governs specific aspects of physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
2. Energetic Components:
  • Bioelectrical Fields: Your body generates and maintains bioelectrical fields that influence and are influenced by your mental, emotional, and physical states. These fields are crucial for cellular communication and overall energy balance.
  • Subtle Bodies: These are layers of energy surrounding the physical body, including the etheric, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies. They interact with and affect your bioelectrical system, contributing to your overall energy dynamics.
3. Function and Health:
  • Energetic Flow: A healthy bioelectrical system ensures smooth and balanced energy flow throughout your body. Disruptions or blockages in this flow can manifest as physical ailments, emotional disturbances, or spiritual imbalances.
  • Energy Activation: By enhancing the bioelectrical system, you activate dormant pathways and increase your ability to channel high-frequency energies. This activation can lead to improved health, heightened spiritual awareness, and a more profound connection to cosmic energies.
4. Interaction with Plasma Field Energization:
  • Plasma Infusion: During the Plasma Field Energization activation, the plasma field interacts with your bioelectrical system by infusing it with high-frequency energies. This process revitalizes your energy pathways, aligns your chakras, and optimizes your overall energy flow.
  • Galactic Frequency Imprinting: The infusion of galactic frequencies into your bioelectrical system enhances your vibrational state, enabling deeper connections to higher-dimensional energies and improving your ability to channel these cosmic forces.
5. Energetic Maintenance:
  • Balancing and Harmonizing: The activation includes a grounding sequence to stabilize the enhanced energies, ensuring that your bioelectrical system remains balanced and aligned with your physical reality.
  • Feedback and Integration: Real-time feedback provided during the activation helps you understand how well your energy system has integrated the new frequencies, offering guidance for maintaining and enhancing your energetic state.
In summary, the bioelectrical system is a vital network that supports and reflects your physical, emotional, and spiritual health. The Plasma Field Energization activation works to enhance & optimize this system, allowing for improved energy flow, heightened spiritual connection, and overall well-being. ✨✨✨I know it would be wonderful for you to get in on this Activation...so sign up here as you're called to: https://tinyurl.com/CelestialPlasmaActivation
Blessings of Cosmic proportions!!!
Christel Hughes
Celestial Plasma Field Energization Remote Activation Thursday, Sept. 19th
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