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100 Offers Leads and Sales QnA is happening in 26 hours
Ready to 10x Your Sales? Here’s the Secret Sauce
Hey Guys, What if I told you the most successful businesses aren’t just spending more on ads—they’re spending smarter? While everyone’s screaming about rising ad costs, savvy business owners are quietly pulling levers behind the scenes that make their sales soar—without blowing their budgets on Google and Facebook. In fact, the difference between a business that’s stuck and one that’s scaling comes down to a handful of key moves. So, how do you keep up when the platforms you rely on are getting more crowded by the day? Let’s break it down with 13 strategic moves you can start using right now to outmaneuver your competition and supercharge your growth. The 14 Power Moves: Find Your Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR): If you don’t have MRR, it’s time to find it. The key to steady growth is predictable, recurring income. Look at your services or products—what can you offer as a subscription or ongoing service? Sell MRR Annually for a Cash Infusion: Here’s the magic—once you’ve got MRR, sell it yearly. Offering customers an annual plan not only secures them for the long term but gives you a big cash influx to reinvest in growth right at the start. Starving Market Analysis: The hungrier the market, the easier the sale. Find the gaps where your competitors aren’t serving well, and that’s where you’ll find the gold. Improve Your Grand Slam Offer: Fine-tune your core offer so it’s irresistible to your Starving market mentioned above. You know what they want—now turn it into something they can’t say no to. Unique Mechanism: Create a unique mechanism. A formula, Method, Blueprint etc that is unique to your business and your offer. Craft Compelling Stories: People buy stories, not products. Tell your brand’s story in a way that hits your audience emotionally. When your story connects, sales follow. A/B Test Ads and Pages: Your audience will tell you what works best—but only if you ask. Test different headlines, images, and calls-to-action to see what moves the needle.
New comment 4d ago
Ready to 10x Your Sales? Here’s the Secret Sauce
Cold Outreach Guide: Quick Introduction for 2024
Alex Horomozi talks about Cold outreach as a crucial strategy for engaging potential clients who have no prior interaction with your business. Mastering 1 of these methods of cold outreach will significantly change your business forever. This guide provides a snapshot of the most effective cold outreach methods for 2024.. 1. Cold Calling - Description: Direct phone calls to potential clients. - Benefits: Immediate feedback, personal interaction, quick rapport building. - Drawbacks: High rejection rate, time-consuming, can be perceived as intrusive. - Best Practices: Prepare a script, research prospects, follow up consistently. 2. Cold Emailing - Description: Sending unsolicited emails to potential clients. - Benefits: Scalable, cost-effective, easily trackable. - Drawbacks: Low response rates, risk of being marked as spam, impersonal. - Best Practices: Personalize emails, use compelling subject lines, and include clear calls to action. eg Instantly (Affiliate link) 3. Social Media Outreach - Description: Using platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook to connect with potential clients. - Benefits: Access to large audiences, interactive engagement, visibility into prospects' interests. - Drawbacks: Can be seen as intrusive, platform restrictions, varying engagement levels. - Best Practices: Engage with prospects' content, personalize messages, build genuine connections. 4. Direct Mail - Description: Sending physical mail to potential clients. - Benefits: Stands out in the digital age, tangible and memorable, highly personalized. - Drawbacks: Expensive, slower response time, difficult to track ROI. - Best Practices: Design eye-catching mailers, include a clear call to action, follow up with recipients. 5. SMS/Text Messaging - Description: Sending text messages to potential clients. - Benefits: High open rates, immediate communication, personal touch. - Drawbacks: Can be perceived as invasive, limited message length, regulatory restrictions. - Best Practices: Keep messages short and to the point, ensure compliance with regulations, and personalize messages. Example SalesMessage (AL)
New comment Jul 28
Cold Outreach Guide: Quick Introduction for 2024
How Upwork and Fiverr Shaped My Grand Slam Offer
Hey Guys, Imagine waking up every day and having messages from strangers who are ready and interested in buying your stuff. That is what the gig economy can provide you if done correctly and I’m here to share how it’s been my secret weapon. Let me take you back a bit. I live in Mexico with my Wife and Son. I work online mostly in the US and Canada, but I am Irish. Last year I was looking for a new position, but not having a US Visa was a huge challenge getting some appropriate in North America. So that was when I decided it was time to crack the Upwork code. After 4 years of dabbling with limited success, I rolled up my sleeves and dove in headfirst. Forty job applications later, I landed five gigs. The first two were small, almost laughably so, but they were stepping stones. In those early days, earning less than minimum wage in some countries didn’t matter. What mattered were the reviews. With each completed job, a pattern emerged: I excelled in high-end sales and marketing consultancy roles for technology and consultancy firms. Not a shocker, given my background, but a powerful revelation nonetheless. Fast forward to today, I’ve generated over $10k on Upwork and achieved Expert-Vetted status, placing me in the top 1% of freelancers. I also helped 1 client 5x his Upwork investment and close €18,000 in 6 months and I will be able to do better, but this is now the benchmark that I can work with! This is also going to be one of my Grand Slam Offers. My rates have 10 to 20xed since September. Upwork wasn’t easy—I had to apply four times just to get accepted as a freelancer on Upwork back in the day, they say that there are 10,000 people a day applying and they refuse 95%. But the Persistence paid off. Now Upwork isn’t the whole story. Fiverr operates differently, where gigs reign supreme over hourly work. To succeed on Fiverr, you need to rank well and to rank well, you need reviews. That’s where you come in. I’m offering a special deal on Fiverr: a 30-minute consultation on any sales, marketing, or AI topic for just 5% of my normal rate.
How Upwork and Fiverr Shaped My Grand Slam Offer
Quick Tip - Alex Hormozi books free download $100M Leads & $100M Offers
Not everyone knows this, but Alex Hormozi has released both books $100Million Leads and $100Million Offers on his podcast. If you want Access - Click on the link here I have organized them for you
New comment Jul 14
Alex Hormozi Explains Influencers - How to Scale Your Business Overnight
Hey Guys, More gold today from Alex Hormozi. Alex Hormozi outlines strategic approaches for leveraging influencer partnerships to accelerate brand growth and expand market reach. From distinguishing between different types of influencer collaborations to providing a detailed roadmap for engaging and securing these influential figures, Hormozi shares a wealth of tactical advice. His talk delves into the nuances of choosing the right influencer based on audience alignment, initiating contact through well-crafted messages, and negotiating partnerships that are mutually beneficial. Below, we highlight key moments from his discussion, complete with time stamps, offering entrepreneurs actionable strategies to harness the power of influencer marketing effectively. Strategic Brand Partnerships (10:12 - 10:45): Hormozi discusses the importance of choosing the right type of influencer partnership model, highlighting the difference between getting influencers to promote your brand versus creating products branded for them. He uses Nike and Logan Paul as examples to illustrate these models. Influencer Engagement Strategy (12:26 - 13:24): Hormozi details a tactical approach for connecting with influencers, emphasizing the importance of identifying and reaching out to influencers who align with your customer profile. Reaching Out to Influencers (13:24 - 14:50): He provides practical advice on how to systematically approach influencers through personal connections, professional networks, and direct outreach methods. Leveraging Lesser-Known Influencers (14:50 - 15:04): The discussion shifts to leveraging influencers with smaller followings to retain more control and ownership, sharing insights on the benefits and scalability of such partnerships. Building Relationships with Super Influencers (18:05 - 18:19): Hormozi talks about the importance of verifying your credibility and crafting compelling messages to engage super influencers effectively. Optimizing Outreach (20:21 - 21:11): A detailed strategy for optimizing influencer outreach, including the importance of personalization and following up through various communication channels to increase visibility and response rates.
New comment Jun 16
Alex Hormozi Explains Influencers - How to Scale Your Business Overnight
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