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100 Offers Leads and Sales QnA is happening in 27 hours
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Hey Guys, I just published a new article, round 14 Ways to grow your B2B Business. These are the actual steps I work 1 on 1 with my clients. What would you like to hear more about?
22 members have voted
New comment 17h ago
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What’s your favorite productivity hack?
What’s your favorite productivity hack?
New comment 7d ago
What’s your favorite productivity hack?
How to Sell Better than 99% Of People
Hello guys, hello @Jerry O Brien! Here some notes from one of the last Super Video of Alex Hormozi about HOW TO SELL. 🚀💼 The entire video is more than 4 hours... Sales Strategies for Increasing Leads and Closing Rates: 🔹 Utilizing CRM and Daily Lists 📋 - Salespeople should maintain a visible list of leads to follow up with regularly. 🔄 - Focus on high-value deals and prioritize follow-ups. 📊 🔹 Creating Opportunities through Referrals 🔗 - Best salespeople actively seek referrals at the end of calls. 📞 - Asking "Who do you know who would benefit from this?" encourages prospects to think of specific names. 🧠 - Building rapport can help in overcoming objections to referrals. 🤝 🔹 Importance of Preparation and Research 🧑‍💼📚 - Conducting research before calls can significantly enhance rapport and effectiveness. 🎯 - A rule of thumb is to spend 10% of the call time on preparation. ⏳ - Personalizing outreach (e.g., using voice memos or video messages) increases appointment attendance. 🎥📬 Effective Sales Techniques: 🔹 Listening More than Talking 🗣️👂 - Successful salespeople listen twice as much as they talk. 🎧 - Asking questions helps to understand the prospect's needs and concerns. ❓ 🔹 Handling Objections and Closing 🚧 - Address obstacles before discussing price to prevent objections later. 💡 - Use storytelling to illustrate points and build trust. 📖 - Always ask for the sale after addressing concerns. ✅ 🔹 Continuous Improvement and Training 📈🎓 - Regular role-playing and script rehearsals are essential for skill development. 🎭 - Tracking metrics and performance helps identify areas for improvement. 📊 Building a High-Performing Sales Team: 🔹 Hiring and Training 🧑‍🤝‍🧑🏋️‍♂️ - Focus on hiring individuals with the right mindset and skills. 🧠 - Implement a structured training program that emphasizes daily practice and feedback. 🗂️ 🔹 Incentives and Motivation 🏅💪 - Create a competitive environment with clear incentives for performance. 🎖️ - Recognize achievements to boost morale and motivation. 🌟
New comment Aug 2
How to Sell Better than 99% Of People
How are you guys using AI to improve your sales calls productivity?
I'm curious, what are guys doing related to this?
New comment Jun 6
What do you want to achieve?
Hey Guys, I have 3 questions for everyone; What do you want to achieve? How might we be able to help you? How can you help others here for free? Don't be shy to say, I need to make more money to support your families and friends. etc. because most people have been there before. (This is your why)
New comment May 31
What do you want to achieve?
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Jerry - Sales Accelerator
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