📚Transformation Tuesday
Quote of the day: “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go”. Dr. Seuss,
❓What 3️⃣ 📚 Books have made a significant impact on your life/Tranformation so far👇👇
I’ll start:
✔️ 1- Think Like a Monk - Jay Shetty (for the Mind,Body,Spirit)
✔️ 2- Tiny Habits - Bj Fogg (how to untangle and induced new and simple tiny habits for optimal Success
✔️ 3- In-Distract-able - Nir Eyal (how to become less distracted 90% is internal & 10% External)
These Three game changers for me have giving me a personal mind, body and spiritual transformation as well as ideas/concepts to build into my teachings ✌️more on this later…….
My STORY……….I’m NOT Thick 🤫 My Limiting Belief…..
Once I managed to remove my mental block (limiting belief) of thinking and believing I was “thick” ………True story…..I could NOT read until about 10-12yrs ago after I completed an NLP Practitioner course (via Performance People my mates company) and this Neuro Linguistic Programme Course removed my Reading disbelief!!!….Blockage 🤸‍♀️🕺
…..Thousands of hours later to Mar 2024 (avg 10-12 📚 per year- 1 per month (min) -easily achievable for all) lots of knowledge, ideas, confidence and belief!!!
ℹ️ Knowledge is Potenial Power (King) 🤴 it’s power/king ONLY if used…..how many people do you know that’s read all the books, got the T Shirt,Hat, Pijammas,Dog coat….. and are still not hitting their goals, not happy, lost, lost motivation etc etc……knowledge is and can be powerful if consciously 👌🏽
ℹ️ Reading is A key 🔑 skill for all that’s why reading at school is one of the main and first fundamental's taught to ourselves and offspring!!!!!
🫵Now your turn, let’s go #SharingIsCaring 🫶🏾
Happy Tuesday Transformation 🤙🏽
Si ❤️
Si Gowing
📚Transformation Tuesday
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