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I will probably have to pay for openai limit bc of InsufficientQuotaError
I'm doing the embedding generation part in the day 3 video, but when I test the code I got the InsufficientQuotaError:429 message. How much should I pay at least? $1 is okay? btw I want to use gpt-3.5-turbo, is this code correct: const model = new ChatOpenAI({ apiKey: process.env.OPENAI_API_KEY, modelName: "gpt-3.5-turbo", }); edit: or do you recommend gpt-4o-mini ? I'm little confused
New comment 1h ago
I this got error in SaaS
the error is 23-9721b83fb6e39ead.js:1 TypeError: Cannot destructure property 'success' of '(intermediate value)' as it is undefined. at page-84043572443ca249.js:1:2625 can someone please tell me where this error is happening and how can I fix this?? live website URL : github link:
I this got error in SaaS
AI SaaS Challenge - snapshot length 0 causing map issue
Hello Papafam I hope you are very well Finally getting through the 5 day challenge and I've hit an issue I think the query in the useCollection might not be retreiving the correct data? firebase looks OK as per the first image I've uploaded, however the terminal is showing the following --- Creating a retriever... --- --- Fetching chat history from the firestore database... --- --- fetched last 0 messages sucessfully --- langchain file const chats = await adminDb .collection("users") .doc(userId) .collection("files") .doc(docId) .collection("chat") .orderBy("createdAt", "desc") //.limit(LIMIT) .get(); const [snapshot, loading, error] = useCollection( user && query( collection(db, "users", user?.id, "files", id, "chat"), orderBy("createdAt", "asc") ) ); ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- useEffect snippet useEffect(() => { if (!snapshot) return; console.log("updated snapshot",; console.log("snapshot docs",; // get second last message to check if the AI is thinking const lastMessage = messages.pop(); if (lastMessage?.role === "ai" && lastMessage.message === "Thinking...") { // return as this is a dummy placeholder message return; } const newMessages = => { const { role, message, createdAt } =; return { id:, role, message, createdAt: createdAt.toDate(), }; }); setMessages(newMessages); // Ignore messages dependancy warning here... we don't want an infinite loop }, [snapshot]); the console shows the length of the to be 0 which implies to me that nothing was actually retrieved and therefore I get the following error warning: each child in a list should have a unique "key" prop check the render method of 'chat'..... I've tried to find the via console.log and also I rendered the result in the chat and it showed no results but three ,
New comment 2d ago
AI SaaS Challenge - snapshot length 0 causing map issue
Saas Ai project
where i can get the source code of Saas AI project?
New comment 4d ago
UserButton bug
is it just mine that shows a 404 page when you signout of the app?? been trying to figure out the cause but am stuck
New comment 9d ago
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