# Dev 100 - Day 28
## Today, I accomplished the following:
### 1. ☀️ **I had a productive morning.**:
- 🍳 Healthy Breakkfast: Birthday Cake, dont judge me
- 2 recruiter interviews
- Getting started on learning early
### 2. ✔️ **To-Dos & Dids.**:
- [Checkmate AI]
- No New To-Dos added today, removed done To-Dos from yesterday, working on more items.
### 3. 📚 **I learned something today.**:
- 🦸‍♂️ **Zero to Full Stack Hero**: How to setup a JIRA and Github GitFlow workflow - Agile/Scrum Demo with Kanban board - Jira Automations - How to plan a sprint with Sprint Poker (Part-2)
- [Git MERGE vs REBASE: Everything You Need to Know](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0chZFIZLR_0)
- [Branching Strategies on Git | Real-time Git Branching Strategy for a DevOps project](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bg8tiOLZw4A)
- [How to Create a Git Repository for New Project in Realtime| DevOps Engineer Roles on Git and GitHub](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MWF1twWnO7w)
- [How to use Git Graph in VS Code ?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bdi_7GshKpI)
### 4. 🖥️ **I wrote some code today.**:
- 🏋️‍♂️ Warm-up Exercise: Create a module that manages a bank account using the Immediately Invoked Function Expression (IIFE) and module pattern. The module should have private variables for the account balance and account holder name, and public methods for depositing, withdrawing, and checking the balance.
- 🦺 Project: Personal project with a few friends, Try to do some more of the expo video meet app
### 5. 🏃 **Daily Reset**:
- Walk through neighborhood
### 6. 🌈 **I had a productive afternoon.**:
- 🍱 Healthy Lunch: Turkey Sandwhich & Fries
- 2 More recruiter interviews, 1 has progressed to 1st round client interview Role is Next JS with minimal react, fully remote insane pay that would change my life from the very first check.
### 7. 💪 **Support the Community**:
- missed sophia today
- Helped aydin with merge conflicts
### 8. 🔗 **Track your Progress**:
Steven Watkins
# Dev 100 - Day 28
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