4:03am We up & Moving.
My morning ritual is simple.
I wake up, I go to the kitchen and make myself a cup of herbal tea.
Before I can drink the tea, its mandatory that I meditate for 10 minutes at least, and I journal including 5 grateful things for today.
We do this every single day.
Then I drink my tea, shower, and am ready all by 5am to crush it.
5am-10am Core focus hours especially for creativity and thought processing.
Then continue to set the day with intention and commitment.
With this you’ve already beaten most of the world before they’ve even woken up.
Let’s get it PAPAFAM!
What’s your daily routine, TAG ME on Instagram of your wake up routine and time @ssssangha Ill be reposting y’all!👇
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Sonny Sangha
4:03am We up & Moving.
University of Code
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