I had someone reach out to me about something that I have found happening all over the world. The message said:
The COTA and I have been belittled by two new grad (one year out) PT and PTA who went to the recent APTA conference in Boston. Rumors I'm hearing at they want to start a HIGT program because me and the COTA aren't already doing it, they are introducing it to our manager even though I talked with the manager before I took the Walk the Walk Course to hopefully have my employer pay for the course. Surprise! They didnt'! I also approached the same PT about starting the HIGT program together after an inservice by Dr. Hornby (PT). They have ignored my ideas on how to increase intensity through focusing on the various subcomponents of gait. What it feels like is there is no respect for OTs at my organization. It's deflating. It's frustrating. I don't know what to do anymore to work cohesively with the PTs when trying to collaborate and getting shut down repeatedly and being disrespected.
Lets discuss a few things:
- Does anyone else have similar situations happening to them?
- What ideas do you have about this particular situation and how would you go about addressing it?
- How can OT's begin to get more respect in the medical setting?
- Anything you would like to say to this OT who is feeling down and struggling?