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9 contributions to Neuro U
Final Invitation before closing down SKOOL
We have officially opened up Neuro U on Mighty Networks because of the versatility and ease of use when compared to SKOOL and other platforms. We are excited about Neuro U and are transferring everything over to Mighty Networks. I have reached out to you individually, but in case you didn't get that and you only get this, please reach out to me on instagram @the.ot.professor, or reach out to to get transferred over! We continue to add new content each week and are excited about how this community is growing!
As we continue to build this amazing community, we want to provide each of you with the best experience ever! As we have learned this platform, we have decided to change to a platform that allows for more communication between each of us, and therefore promote more of a community feeling. We are in the process of setting up the new platform and as soon as it is ready, will reach out to each of you, and help you transition! Please reach out with any questions you may have!
New comment Mar 12
Get to know each other
Write your answers in the comments below! 1. What motivated you to join this community? 2. What's something you hope to learn or gain from being part of this community? 3. What's a therapy skill you've recently started developing, and what inspired you to learn it? 4. Do you have any hidden talents or hobbies? What are they? 5. What's your favorite way to spend a weekend? 6. What's something you're passionate about and why? 7. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? This community is built on our ability to connect with one another and achieve greater success by supporting and pushing each other to do hard things. One little step at a time, with us cheering alongside you!
New comment Mar 11
Get to know each other
1 like • Mar 11
@Grace Yerkes I love this! I'm excited to work with you and to continue growing this amazing online platform where we will all grow together and change so many individual's lives!
0 likes • Mar 11
@Savannah Ipsen I'm so excited you are here and that we get to learn with you! There are so many things on the horizon that are going to make a big difference in everyone's ability to change their patient's lives. You are in the right spot!
Great HIT intervention Ideas!
Write your best HIT ideas here on this thread! In order to qualify as a HIT intervention you must have measured the heart rate and experienced it being elevated to 75-85% of the individual's heart rate max. Here is an awesome example of one: "home care client that I was covering another therapist for with a physio partner very resistant to HIT but also hesitant to try or push her clients. 48 year old recent cva (very minor compared to her médical history) - mild left sided weakness, some proprioception difficulties in her left foot. She struggles with stance control a lot which is further compromised by recent abdominal surgeries including a gastric tube. Propulsion, and lateral stability are great either. She is also fearful of pain in her abdominal wall. Before I had gone in Monday and then again today, she hadn’t done any stairs and this is her main goal - get up the stairs to shower. Day one I got her up 3 stairs which doesn’t seem like a lot but for her it was huge. Also got her to walk without her walker with light counter support. This fired up the physio who then started to push her more. I also think by showing her what she can do (thanks Phil for our discussion) was the right approach to help empower her. Today she was game for anything. She climbed 5 stairs four times with just close visual supervision compared to her moderate assistance Monday. We also did more counter walking with variable stepping and only one hand support and carrying. Then she walked with her IV adapted backpack on, which weighs just under ten pounds, throughout her house. It was so great to be apart of her seeing that her objectives can be achieved !! I won’t keep seeing her but the OT I was replacing and I had a great discussion and she said well yeah I can do stairs too - so awesome!! Hoping that helps the OTs confidence too!!" Let's see some of your thoughts!
New comment Mar 10
1 like • Mar 10
So this one is just how I intensified my visual scanning activitiy. 53 year old right cva with propulsion and balance issues, ++ visual disturbances. He has a left superior homonymous quadrantanopsia. So used the big wall in front of the treadmill and stuck laminated cards and wrote different numbers in different colors to match 4 Colors on two blazepods set up on the treadmill. Had him walking at incline of 5% at speed of 5.0 km per hour while in practice his visual scanning strategies. Colors on the blazepods determined what color number he had to call out from the wall. He hit his target heart rate and was sweating!! Just trying different ways to work on his compensatory strategies for his scanning. Next week in our session we are going outside for a community walk!! - OT
1 like • Mar 10
My 49 year old acoustic neuroma resection Main difficulties: central vestibular issues post resection - couldn’t walk and turn her head so bad, very slow walking. Left sides motor control, weakness, so ataxia in her UE. Balance difficulties. Her regular physio has discharged her despite her ongoing gains. I work closely with the vestibular physio to also incorporate habituation for her central vestibular issues in her occupations We are going to go jogging in the park in the upcoming sessions with nice weather - lots of hills and inclines. She is a jogger. We also do a lot of resistance running in the gym We have a lot of fun working together. And we are at a point where returning to work is feasible! And she will try cycling in the spring. - OT
HELP! What would you do?
I had someone reach out to me about something that I have found happening all over the world. The message said: The COTA and I have been belittled by two new grad (one year out) PT and PTA who went to the recent APTA conference in Boston. Rumors I'm hearing at they want to start a HIGT program because me and the COTA aren't already doing it, they are introducing it to our manager even though I talked with the manager before I took the Walk the Walk Course to hopefully have my employer pay for the course. Surprise! They didnt'! I also approached the same PT about starting the HIGT program together after an inservice by Dr. Hornby (PT). They have ignored my ideas on how to increase intensity through focusing on the various subcomponents of gait. What it feels like is there is no respect for OTs at my organization. It's deflating. It's frustrating. I don't know what to do anymore to work cohesively with the PTs when trying to collaborate and getting shut down repeatedly and being disrespected. Lets discuss a few things: 1. Does anyone else have similar situations happening to them? 2. What ideas do you have about this particular situation and how would you go about addressing it? 3. How can OT's begin to get more respect in the medical setting? 4. Anything you would like to say to this OT who is feeling down and struggling?
New comment Mar 8
1 like • Mar 4
@Connie Reid I think you and Sharon are hitting it on the nose. They can’t deny the client gains when you do HIT. Being a disrupter is hard, but you have a group here and it is only going to grow. You all just get to be the first!!
2 likes • Mar 8
@Carmen Quesnel @Teresa Zavala @Connie Reid What do you guys think about this? Carmen, you bring up a great point. One thing that I have always thought is that we as OTs are trying to communicate to a whole system that is using Chinese as its language of choice. We aren't using Chinese, though; we are using French! The more we yell in French what we are doing and how valuable we are, the more they ignore because it makes zero sense to them. I take the approach that its more valuable to learn Chinese and then educate after demonstrating in Chinese the value I have as an OT. 1. @Andrea Muncada @Carmen Quesnel @Sharon Ho @Connie Reid @Aurelie Hawes @Rita Burlingame-Toppen One question I have asked myself recently is "Who am I waiting to get permission from before I start implementing what is evidence based regardless of what others around me are thinking?" So...Consider this your "Permission" to do it with the support of The OT Professor and the community of Neuro U!
1-9 of 9
Philip Lamoreaux
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Assistant Prof 🧑🏻‍🏫 Neuro IPR Specialist 💪🏼 INTENSITY MATTERS 🎓 Mentor |📚 Educate |💡Innovate 🏃🏻Show how 2 apply evidence 2 practice

Active 11d ago
Joined Feb 10, 2024
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