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My Whys
I want to be around as long as possible for my kids and hopefully grand kids. I want to be in less pain. And I want to build back the confidence I have lost over the years with weight gain. By accomplishing these goals I see a life that is more fulfilling and full of potential adventures. By not accomplishing them I see more of the same ol', same ol'. Anxiety about what I will look like, fear about what could happen if I tried new things, and what kind of pain I'd be in.
My Why's
My "why's" God-- to honor Rick (husband)--to grow "vintage" with him kids and grandkids-to be here and enjoy doing things with and for them
Move passed failures that remain in my head. No longer worrying about future health issues without giving myself the power to succeed; allow me to come first and become my best self for my family. Confidence is my motivator. A healthy lifestyle to see my grandchildren grow up.
New comment May '24
My Why鈥檚
My 3 Why鈥檚: 1. To maximize the gifts God has given me to better serve my family, clients, and others. 2. To be around for my wife and our future family. 3. To finally stop complaining about how I look and to be confident in who I am and to see myself the way God sees me. Something I鈥檝e always struggled with for my entire life.
New comment Apr '24
As we are starting this journey Jayme asked us to share our three whys! Here are mine: 1. I want to be the healthiest version of myself for my family; especially for my husband and future children! 2. I want to like what I see when I look in the mirror and in photographs. I want to stop scrutinizing my appearance and embrace the healthiest lifestyle. 3. I want the endorphins lol! If I accomplish these WHYS I will be better equipped to do all that the Lord has called me to do! If I ignore these WHYS, I risk missing out on the best parts of life!
New comment Apr '24
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