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Should You Outreach Immediately, Or Practice Copy First?
👉 Question: From @Danish - "Should I just start to outreach after the 8-hr course or practice the service I will pe providing, get some great samples, form them into testimonials and then start outreach? I'm just a little confused." 👉 Answer: Yes, start outreaching right after watching the 8 hour course. Look at all the notes you took and immediately take action on those notes/tasks so it's cemeted in your mind and you start building a habit (this goes for any free course too). You can outreach and work on your copy at the same time, they're both different skills to build. But I'd recommend spending more time outreaching as a beginner, and here's the key, improve your outreach over time.
New comment 1h ago
Do You Need A Website As A Copywriter?
👉 Question: From @Moayadah - "Do I need to purchase a domain to start copywriting?? If not, con someone recommend a beginner-friendly software to start with??" 👉 Answer: No, don't waste time building a website and setting all that up, it's not gonna actually move the needle and get you clients. Your IG/FB profile is your "website" so to speak. In my opinion, building a website is just shiny object syndrome that distracts you from doing the important work (outreach/practicing).
New comment 1h ago
What Type Of Business Should You Outreach To?
👉 Question From @Niyaz - "What type of client would benefit from copywriting? Where do i find them?" 👉 Answer: Any established online business that's already bringing in decent revenue, has marketing set up already and is using copywriting, and therefore understands the importance of hiring a copywriter. You obviously won't be able to determine their exact revenue, but you can guess based on if they're running ads (check FB Ad Library), how many followers they have, etc. Never outreach to unestablished businesses who have no marketing. If you think "Oh they don't have marketing so I'll come in and help a ton and make them a bunch of money", that's not how it works. You're just gonna get stuck with nightmare clients who don't pay you anything. In terms of where you find them, this video might help: There are also much more in-depth tutorials here:
New comment 1h ago
What Type Of Business Should You Outreach To?
How Do You Get Clients Without Testimonials?
👉 Question: "I never had testimonials and those who didn't ask me didn't seem to have that interest than those who had proof. Even if I try offer them service for free I still can't manage to tempt them enough" 👉 Answer: Everyone starts with zero testimonials and zero experience, this isn't some impossible problem. Prove yourself by sounding like you know what you're talking about, providing free value (that's actually good), helping them, and get your foot in the door with the first client. Don't ever offer to work for free. No professional devalues their time like that, so offering to work for free comes across as needy to business owners.
New comment 4h ago
What Are The BEST Copywriting Videos To Watch?
👉 Question: From @HunterFrog - "Hey Tyson, if you are all new, interested in copywriting, know a bit about it, but don't know which of your videos to watch to get startet. Where do you start?" 👉 Answer: Here's a list of the top videos to watch (in order): 8 hour course - 2 hour outreach course - Email marketing course - Funnel course - $100M ad breakdown - Sales call breakdown - Bonus: $10k+/mo student interviews -
New comment 16h ago
What Are The BEST Copywriting Videos To Watch?
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