Dec '23 (edited) in General discussion
Vocabulary Challenge- Children's worksheets submission post and feedback
Hey lovely parents, I hope you had a lovely weekend. I need some help from you.
1️⃣Please leave feedback in the comments below.
How did you find the vocabulary challenge? What was your child's reaction to it? What was it that they learned through the exciting 5 days? This is important so that I can plan the next challenge!
If you want to leave feedback privately, you can message me as well.
2️⃣Can you please leave a comment with your children's worksheets as images here? You can attach as many worksheets as you want. We will pick one winner for the most creative worksheets apart from the winners in the other two categories- the most engaged student and the student who used a variety of words!
3️⃣All those who participated will receive a certificate of participation. Please message me privately with your children's names.
I am looking forward to wrapping up the challenge with special DIY Vocabulary Challenges for ongoing learning. 🤩
Sabah Hadi
Vocabulary Challenge- Children's worksheets submission post and feedback
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