Supporting your child's wellbeing
This is for everyone who is
Feeling overwhelmed
On the brink of giving up 😪
Are you asking yourself these questions?
Why is this so hard?
Is the 11 Plus even right for my child?
Why is my child giving me such a hard time?
Are you afraid that it is getting a little too much? 🗣️😬
These are perfectly normal questions. I have asked these questions myself.
I have made mistakes, bungled up with my first child trying to get him to make fewer mistakes, nagged him endlessly, and made blunders instead of helping him gain confidence.
I learnt lessons from this so I made fewer of these mistakes with my second child.
I have done it all!
BUT I am alive to tell you the story. My children got into their choice of schools and now universities.
Many parents feel a lot of pressure at this time, especially those of you who are getting ready for a summer of intense work and anxiety before the 11+ exams in September.
I wanted to offer this here first, and to those who want help and are unafraid to ask for it because it means you are brave and ready to find a way, to solve your problem.🌟
I want you to have what you want. And there are good people I work with who feel the same way.
Charlotte Watson who is the director of Wonderlearn Tuition and a top English expert and I have recorded a video to show you how you can support your child's wellbeing and see yours improve too.
In it, we explore the ways that you can help your child to not just cope.
We want your child to hope and to soar! 🔺💫
Here is a link to the video 'Supporting your child's wellbeing' before we release it for all.
For those curious to know who Charlotte is and what she does, here's her business page.
Sabah Hadi
Supporting your child's wellbeing
The 11 Plus Journey OS
A hub for parents and caregivers in the UK navigating the 11+ exams. Access advice, resources, and our exclusive 11+ journey course for parents.
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