Jan 11 (edited) in Resources
Comprehension secrets with a focus on inference
A few of our members asked me about comprehension strategies. I have recorded a video for you to show you where you can find this guidance in the OS community. I am happy to record a video but I am not sharing the link to this resource because I want you to explore the course that we have here.
This is a community where I guide and support you. But YOU take action and see the results of your efforts!
Passcode: i5bT6&8w
Remember to implement this guidance👆Taking action in the right way is what will bring you results. 🏆
1️⃣To help you more, I am attaching a comprehension practice sheet by Mandy for your children to try. You can access our EPRB website to get more downloadable comprehension resources. Let your child attempt it once they are confident with the techniques and strategies https://www.elevenplusrevisionbooks.co.uk
2️⃣Sheena Ager, author of Cadwaladr Quests has free comprehension sessions for Years 4 and 5 that your child can try. You can join her TG group to get the details. https://t.me/+BmLxB_zIghczYTFk
PLUS, my tips on inference in particular, since this was specially requested by a member.👇
Inference Made Easy 🤩
Inference is like being a detective, finding clues in stories or pictures to understand more. Use Twinkl's picture prompts to make it fun! For example, if characters wear gloves, it's probably cold. If they arrive at a place, it's likely sunset.
Building Emotion Skills
Learn emotions with exaggerated cartoon faces, you can google and print them out or draw them yourself. Imagine how those feelings would be. Look at pictures and ask: What's happening? How does the person feel? This helps understand different emotions.
Daily AND fun Reading Habits
Read a lot! Books, news, and even watch TV. Discuss news like climate change effects felt throughout the world or Stormzy sponsoring students for Cambridge. It makes learning exciting and children curious!
Remember, reading is an adventure, and being a detective in stories makes it more fun! 🕵️‍♂️📚
Sabah Hadi
Comprehension secrets with a focus on inference
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