Hi I’m Danielle from Melbourne, FL
I started paddling in 2018 because I wanted to lose weight and be outside. Found my local Dragonboat team and fell in love. Bought an oc1 the following year and started OC6. I love steering and learning how to surf my oc1 in the small-ish waves we have here in Florida.
I paddled hard and nonstop (there’s only 1 season in Florida and that’s paddling season ;) until injury and burn out have made me rethink my future game plan. I love the sport and all the mental health benefits it brings to me. But for 2025, I’m interested in rediscovering the joy paddling once brought me but with a bit more mental space in my life for other things.
Danielle Raines
Hi I’m Danielle from Melbourne, FL
Tek Li Coaching
Take your paddling teknique to the next level with Tek Li Coaching! Tailored to beginner, intermediate, and advance paddlers. #TLC
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