Start Here: Step 1 Of The 6lbs in 30 days challenge
The T1DIAL Wave Academy Teaches Busy Parents How To Break The Negative Belief That Dieting Must Be Restrictive By Simplifying The Process To Make EVERY DAY Taste Like a CHEAT DAY While Losing 6 Pounds Per Month! 馃檶
Here's What You Can Expect:
Step 1. Let's Make a Written Commitment To This Challenge! Make a Community Post Expressing That You WILL Lose Your First 6 Pounds Following The D.I.R.T.Y. Cut Method & HOW Achieving This Goal Will Change Your Daily Life! Let's Think Momentarily About The Change This Will Make. This Is WHY We Are Accepting This Challenge & The Reason WHY Forcing Change Will Be Worth It. We Aren't Going To TRY, We Are Going To SUCCEED! 馃挭
Step 2: LET'S GET STARTED!! Head Over To The Classroom & Follow The Prompts To Complete Each Aspect of The Challenge! Remember, We Need To Complete The Daily Prompts To Get Credit For COMPLETING The Challenge! 馃コ
Step 3: Start Implementing The Daily Calorie/Protein Goal, 10,000 Steps, & Workouts (Continue Posting In The Community Daily For Accountability & Support) To Begin Melting Off The Fat While Making EVERY DAY Taste Like a CHEAT DAY! 馃い
Step 4: REMAIN CONSISTENT! This Strategy Will Only Work If We Are Consistent & Accountable 100% Of The Time During This 30 Day Challenge! Let's Hold Each Other Accountable & IF WE MISS ONE DAY, We Need To Start Back Over at Day One! 馃く 75 HARD STYLE BABY!!
Camden Anderson
Start Here: Step 1 Of The 6lbs in 30 days challenge
T1DIAL Wave Academy
T1DIAL Wave Academy Teaches Busy Parents How To Lose Their First 6 Pounds in 30 Days WITHOUT Giving Up Their Favorite Foods!
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