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🛠️ Wednesday Work - Your Weekly Assignment pt. 01
Hello Surfers! 🏄 It's time for your weekly assignment. I know you've all been asking me for more structured work and I hate to keep you waiting, so here it is! Every Wednesday I will post up an assignment for you to complete. You will be expected to complete the assignment before the next Wednesday's Coffee Hour. The due date of every weekly assignment will be Wednesday morning at 8AM Pacific We will have a weekly video discussion every Thursday evening at 4PM Pacific to go over the assignment details, answer questions, and help you grow! The Thursday video discussions will be RECORDED and posted for the group to watch. Completing all assignments will earn you the Singularity Strategist Certification If you do not complete the week's assignment, you will not be penalized...yet. These assignments are optional. But you will need to complete the curriculum if you want the certification. FOR THIS WEEK: TASK: Please create a post in the "Assignments" channel explaining your current level of experience and expertise working with AI. Create a NEW Project using Claude Projects and put the post in it. DELIVERABLES: 1) You will create a NEW post in the "Assignments" channel titled "My First Singularity Assignment" 2) You will write about your experience using AI tools like ChatGPT, Claude, HuggingFace, etc. 3) You will take the text content of your post and add it to a NEW Claude Project 4) You will link your Claude Project to your post in a comment INSTRUCTIONS: - Please start by creating a new post in the "Assignments" channel here on Skool - In your new post, start writing about your experience using AI tools like ChatGPT, Claude, etc. - Use ChatGPT or other LLM to help you write - Once you've got a good start, open Claude and sign up for an account (if you haven't yet) - Create a new Claude Project (Claude projects are a way to give your AI custom data to work with) - Add your blog post to the Claude Project - Experiment with Claude Projects - what do you notice? What are you discovering? - Reflect on your experience either in your post or in a comment on your post. - Link your Claude Project to your post in a comment (NOTE: Projects are private and no one can see what's in your project - this is to show that the link exists and to give you a point of reference)
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New comment 23d ago
🛠️ Wednesday Work - Your Weekly Assignment pt. 01
My First Singularity Assignment
I have worked with AI across a few different platforms and applications, particularly in the context of my business, Furbaby Bestie. My primary experience is with ChatGPT, where I have used it extensively for ideation, project planning, and developing business strategies. This includes creating detailed business plans, project plans, pitch decks, budget estimations, and marketing media materials, all geared toward building and scaling my business. Recently, I’ve also explored to compare data response variations and assess its potential for generating business insights. For generative AI purposes, I use Microsoft Copilot to create novel photo images that align with Furbaby Bestie's branding on social platforms. Additionally, I’ve designed breed-specific flashcards with Copilot and Canva, intended for educational purposes. I rely heavily on for meeting data tracking, helping me stay organized and focused during important discussions. In terms of formal learning, I have completed the AI Essentials certification through Google/Coursera and actively participate in AI forums focusing on specific topics such as AI Responsibility, Ethics, and Deep Learning. These forums provide me with ongoing insights into the ethical considerations of AI development. Looking forward, I’m eager to leverage AI in building the MVP of the Furbaby Bestie app, hoping to transform ideas into tangible solutions using AI tools. This would allow me to expand my capabilities from planning to execution within my business ecosystem.
New comment 23d ago
My First Singulairty Project - Assign #1
So first off... wow. I took @Christopher Tavolazzi example and ran with it. Every assignment we do is going to help me in my goals in creating resources/services for family/veteran caregivers. So with this project, I am adding on from the first one (where I gathered my resources to create a course), to creating a website. I started by voice talking to ChatGPT, discussing how to make website, timeline and what should be in place (ie logo, branding, sitemap, wireframe, domain). Then we discussed my intentions with the website and shared my current logo, color scheme, and what features I would want for the site. Out of curiosity, I got a little sidetracked and asked to updating my logo. I didn't like the revisions completely, but I have learned what I would like to change, and will do so with illustrator. We concluded with a sitemap and wireframe and discussed single page vs multi page formates. **I am not used to talking/conversating/prompting AI or Google in an informal way as if I was talking to a person... It was a really great exercise to practice speaking in collaboration with, instead of delegating or question-type conversations. When I requested changes that I didn't like and mentioned it, Claude apologized and that made me feel...uncomfortable.** I tried to share the conversation (with the button) but I would not allow me, so I did a copy and paste into a document and added the photos manually to share with Claude. I asked Claude to sum up the conversation and suggest improvements. The improvements were astounding. Suggested Improvements: 1. User Persona Development: Create detailed user personas representing different types of caregivers (e.g., family caregivers, veteran caregivers) to ensure the site caters to diverse needs. 2. Accessibility Features: Explicitly discuss incorporating accessibility features for users who may have visual or motor impairments, as many caregivers themselves may be older adults. 3. Mobile-First Design: While mobile responsiveness was mentioned, emphasizing a mobile-first design approach could be beneficial, given that many caregivers may access resources on-the-go. 4. SEO Strategy: Develop a more comprehensive SEO strategy, including keyword research specific to caregiving topics and local SEO for any location-based services. 5. Interactive Elements: Consider adding interactive elements like quizzes or assessments to engage users and provide personalized resource recommendations. 6. Video Content: Discuss incorporating video content, such as caregiver testimonials or short instructional videos, which can be powerful for building trust and providing easily digestible information. 7. Newsletter Integration: Include plans for an email newsletter to keep caregivers engaged and informed about new resources or course offerings. 8. Social Proof: Emphasize the inclusion of social proof elements throughout the site, such as testimonials, case studies, or success stories from caregivers who've benefited from your resources. 9. Load Time Optimization: Discuss strategies for optimizing page load times, especially important for the scrolling homepage to ensure a smooth user experience. 10. A/B Testing Plan: Develop a plan for A/B testing key elements like CTA buttons, headlines, and layout variations to optimize conversion rates over time.
New comment 25d ago
My First Singularity Project
Whoa. That sums it about up. Honestly. So I didn’t follow the exact steps for this assignment and I have had intermittent breaks throughout this assignment. Initially, I began by going to Claude with this assignment. Oh man, that was fun! I copied and pasted the assignment within Claude. This is how it went. My experience with AI is very elementary. I have Chat GPT on my phone and I’ve used it daily since I found out what it was. I explained this some more to Claude and without asking, it gave me a much better, well written, response. It even said “I’ll act as Chat-GPT to help you elaborate.” Claude AI said it would assist me in a way I was already familiar with and act like another AI. Well it did just that and I got this. “The most exciting aspect of my AI journey has been realizing its potential to augment human capabilities rather than replace them. It's not about AI doing the work for me, but rather enhancing my ability to think, create, and solve problems. As I continue to explore AI tools like Claude and delve deeper into their capabilities, I'm eager to discover how they can further enrich my personal and professional life. The future of AI seems bright, and I'm thrilled to be at the beginning of this learning curve.” Amazing no? I’ve used ChatGPT to write up business proposals. I just plug and play. Now I’ve not formally submitted any yet, but the moment I do, I’m well equipped to whip one up in a matter of minutes, and then plug in the numbers. Claude, I see has the ability to specialize in the building of specific business proposals and keep that same structure throughout. The ideas though are endless. Quite literally endless. I also see how you can have different projects, different Claude’s in my mind, running different projects! I’m looking forward to using this often! I have failed to see how to share the project, would like some assistance with that!
Weekly Assignment 01 - Example Completion
Hello, This is an example of a completed assignment, the very first one! Here's something you can use to direct you while completing this assignment. Just follow along if you're lost, but feel free to take this assignment (and every assignment) and run with them! As far as you can! Here's my post for this week's assignment. NOTE: Yours DOES NOT need to be this long. But you can use ChatGPT's voice mode to dictate :) --- I've been using ChatGPT daily since it came out in November of 2022. It was a huge shock to me when it first launched. I remember posting a video that became one of my first viral hits on TikTok—it was me interacting with ChatGPT and discovering in real time that it could code in Python. That was a major, *huge* learning moment for me when I realized I could actually code with this LLM, with this AI. From that point on, I dove in headfirst. I got obsessed, fully immersed. I couldn’t stop, and honestly, my friends and family thought I had lost it. They were like, "Come on, dude, it’s just a chatbot." But it wasn’t *just* a chatbot—I could tell this was something entirely different. It wasn’t like the others with limited, pre-programmed responses. This was something on a whole new level. So, I started using it as much as possible. Then other LLMs started dropping—Google’s Gemini, Claude—and the landscape shifted again. It wasn’t just about ChatGPT anymore; it was about this new wave of tools and their growing capabilities. Claude came out with its projects feature, and that was a game-changer because it aligned with so many of the problems I was working on, problems that existing tech at the time just couldn’t solve. That’s when I realized how fast things were going to advance. I mean, 10 developers working with AI are so much more powerful than just one of me working with it. But even alone, I felt like I had the power of a whole team. I could accomplish what three to five developers would’ve needed just a few years ago. And I did just that—I made the Surviving the Singularity website entirely from scratch, using AI tools like Claude and Cursor AI. These tools are incredible, and I’ll be teaching people all about them soon.
New comment 29d ago
Weekly Assignment 01 - Example Completion
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