Weekly Assignment 01 - Example Completion
This is an example of a completed assignment, the very first one!
Here's something you can use to direct you while completing this assignment. Just follow along if you're lost, but feel free to take this assignment (and every assignment) and run with them! As far as you can!
Here's my post for this week's assignment.
NOTE: Yours DOES NOT need to be this long. But you can use ChatGPT's voice mode to dictate :)
I've been using ChatGPT daily since it came out in November of 2022. It was a huge shock to me when it first launched. I remember posting a video that became one of my first viral hits on TikTok—it was me interacting with ChatGPT and discovering in real time that it could code in Python. That was a major, *huge* learning moment for me when I realized I could actually code with this LLM, with this AI.
From that point on, I dove in headfirst. I got obsessed, fully immersed. I couldn’t stop, and honestly, my friends and family thought I had lost it. They were like, "Come on, dude, it’s just a chatbot." But it wasn’t *just* a chatbot—I could tell this was something entirely different. It wasn’t like the others with limited, pre-programmed responses. This was something on a whole new level.
So, I started using it as much as possible. Then other LLMs started dropping—Google’s Gemini, Claude—and the landscape shifted again. It wasn’t just about ChatGPT anymore; it was about this new wave of tools and their growing capabilities. Claude came out with its projects feature, and that was a game-changer because it aligned with so many of the problems I was working on, problems that existing tech at the time just couldn’t solve.
That’s when I realized how fast things were going to advance. I mean, 10 developers working with AI are so much more powerful than just one of me working with it. But even alone, I felt like I had the power of a whole team. I could accomplish what three to five developers would’ve needed just a few years ago. And I did just that—I made the Surviving the Singularity website entirely from scratch, using AI tools like Claude and Cursor AI. These tools are incredible, and I’ll be teaching people all about them soon.
Cursor AI, Claude projects, ChatGPT’s voice mode—all of these allowed me to build our school community, the whole experience people are having now. It’s allowed me to produce content at a speed I couldn’t even have dreamed of before. I’m using Descript (which I highly recommend) for video editing now, in addition to CapCut, which already has some strong features. The capabilities I’ve gained through these tools feel, honestly, godlike.
I have a degree in journalism, and back then, the idea of being a one-man production studio was *just* a dream. Now, it’s the expectation. And it’s not just for content—these tools have helped me with my book, Surviving the Singularity, which is now fully drafted. I’m in the editing phase, refining it, and adding the final touches before it’s ready for publishing.
I managed to do all of this in just a couple of months, and that’s the thing—I know you can too.
Christopher Tavolazzi
Weekly Assignment 01 - Example Completion
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