28d ago (edited) in Assignments
My First Singulairty Project - Assign #1
So first off... wow. I took example and ran with it. Every assignment we do is going to help me in my goals in creating resources/services for family/veteran caregivers. So with this project, I am adding on from the first one (where I gathered my resources to create a course), to creating a website.
I started by voice talking to ChatGPT, discussing how to make website, timeline and what should be in place (ie logo, branding, sitemap, wireframe, domain). Then we discussed my intentions with the website and shared my current logo, color scheme, and what features I would want for the site. Out of curiosity, I got a little sidetracked and asked to updating my logo. I didn't like the revisions completely, but I have learned what I would like to change, and will do so with illustrator. We concluded with a sitemap and wireframe and discussed single page vs multi page formates.
**I am not used to talking/conversating/prompting AI or Google in an informal way as if I was talking to a person... It was a really great exercise to practice speaking in collaboration with, instead of delegating or question-type conversations. When I requested changes that I didn't like and mentioned it, Claude apologized and that made me feel...uncomfortable.**
I tried to share the conversation (with the button) but I would not allow me, so I did a copy and paste into a document and added the photos manually to share with Claude. I asked Claude to sum up the conversation and suggest improvements. The improvements were astounding.
Suggested Improvements:
  1. User Persona Development: Create detailed user personas representing different types of caregivers (e.g., family caregivers, veteran caregivers) to ensure the site caters to diverse needs.
  2. Accessibility Features: Explicitly discuss incorporating accessibility features for users who may have visual or motor impairments, as many caregivers themselves may be older adults.
  3. Mobile-First Design: While mobile responsiveness was mentioned, emphasizing a mobile-first design approach could be beneficial, given that many caregivers may access resources on-the-go.
  4. SEO Strategy: Develop a more comprehensive SEO strategy, including keyword research specific to caregiving topics and local SEO for any location-based services.
  5. Interactive Elements: Consider adding interactive elements like quizzes or assessments to engage users and provide personalized resource recommendations.
  6. Video Content: Discuss incorporating video content, such as caregiver testimonials or short instructional videos, which can be powerful for building trust and providing easily digestible information.
  7. Newsletter Integration: Include plans for an email newsletter to keep caregivers engaged and informed about new resources or course offerings.
  8. Social Proof: Emphasize the inclusion of social proof elements throughout the site, such as testimonials, case studies, or success stories from caregivers who've benefited from your resources.
  9. Load Time Optimization: Discuss strategies for optimizing page load times, especially important for the scrolling homepage to ensure a smooth user experience.
  10. A/B Testing Plan: Develop a plan for A/B testing key elements like CTA buttons, headlines, and layout variations to optimize conversion rates over time.
Long story short, I suggested to rewrite a site map, wire frame and then actually created it!!! I am not super happy with the visual, I think it looks like facebook (yuck), but I have something to work with and look forward to creating design elements to make this a reality! If any one is interested in what ChatGPT create for my logos, wireframe and what Claude coded, I'm happy to share.
Tara R
My First Singulairty Project - Assign #1
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