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Mindset Monday! is happening in 42 hours
setting up my wholesaling business
Hi everyone i am really excited to be part of this group🙏. I am new to wholesaling and getting everything situated anyone could recommend what sites i should have? Thank you in advance
New comment Jun 6
I’m having trouble comping this property. Is there anyone available to help me comp it? and if you have buyers in San Antonio even better
New comment May 16
1st deal.
I’m curious what was y’all’s first deal size? And was it on par with your current average assignment fee size?
New comment May 13
Agent Outreach experience:
Ok. So I just jumped on fivver, looked for an experienced person on HubSpot (which is a random free CRM) I found and paid $100 to get someone to set it up. I reached out to three agents (for free) to help me set an email list for my saved criteria and now I have 35 properties in my email that I’ve placed offers via email and call in to… The best part is I’m now represented by an agent so my offers actually get looked at and responded to and I legitimately get insider info on what’s going on with the property and the market in the area. oh! I also, hired a VA to add the properties to my CRm for $50. Just got an offer accepted and will be looking at a $50k assignment in real life. Just from taking action on the expert speakers guidance. This took literally a week to set up 📦🫶🏽 Once I get my CRM dialed in, I’m looking at a 7 figure business model in 12 months.
New comment May 10
Agent Outreach experience:
Tittle company
Got any title company suggestions for. San Antonio specifically Denver heights?
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SuperHuman Wholesalers
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