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Community Comp w/ Joey & Zach is happening in 39 hours
Newest Novation deal
If I can help Hmu
We back!!!!
Don’t think for a second we are not back out here trying to run up a bag in real life. Just landed yesterday from vacation and we bout to run it up.. I hope like hell y’all doing the same. If you’re not., you better tap in with me
New comment 16d ago
We back!!!!
Jv partner Cleaveland
I have furnished airbnb property under contract in Cleveland Ohio. Does anyone have airbnb buyers in this market that would be interested partnering up?
New comment 23d ago
Accountability Squad through the Week!
Hey guys! I just hopped off an accountability call with @Saharah Ali and she wants additional accountability through the week in addition to our 1 on 1 calls to hit $250,000 by December 31st, 2024. If you’re down to join an accountability squad weekly tap in!!!
New comment 26d ago
Accountability Squad through the Week!
New to the group
Hi my name is Barbara Barnes Richards and I live in Nashville, TN. I am glad to be in the group and would love to connect with anyone in the Nashville area.
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SuperHuman Wholesalers
We exist as a community to help each individual achieve their highest potential in business and life. Alone we're average, Together we're SuperHuman.
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