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One thing that resounds every time I make a call was what Earon said last week, not to be prejudiced. I shut down assumptions I start to form and get through my call list. My calls get done faster and my own words don't venture off from the script. I tend to lean on organic and feel the energy in their tone and it directs my approach in conversation. I've stumbled to express my service, pronoun the street, wrong name, wrong address and I've shot a complete blankand I went silent, just lost. And I laughed myself out of it and called it the end of my day or my stopping point. They laugh with me instead of at me & if they laugh at me I'm laughing with them at least I made someone laugh. Let's make it fun, an invitation and personalble for them to see our humanness. When we are real they relate.
Veronica Gutierrez
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