Most women don’t know this…
I found an old picture of myself after a bodybuilding competition (photo on the left)
Most women would kill to have a physique like this:
Single digit body fat percentage + visible abs
But let me tell you something VERY personal 🤫
My time as a professional bodybuilder was the darkest chapter of my life.
It’s ironic, isn’t it…
I spent 6 years chasing perfection.
The “perfect” body - the “perfect” diet - the “perfect” routine
And once I got to the point I thought would make me happy:
….8% body fat…
I was miserable 😢
More than ever.
Why? Holding the photo in my hand now, staring into my hollow eyes and forced smile,
I realised something important most women NEVER find out:
It’s not about IF you lose fat, it’s about HOW you lose fat…
Is your journey looking like my bodybuilder days:
❌Cardio 6x week
❌Cutting calories to 900-1200 kcal a day
❌Feeling guilty after every “cheat” meal.
❌Constantly second-guessing your food choices
❌Gaining the weight back after burning out from extreme plans
❌Living an “all or nothing” life that sucks the joy out of everything
Or like this:
✅ Enjoying balanced meals that include your favorite foods
✅ Doing workouts you love, not just endless cardio
✅ Eating enough to fuel your body and feel satisfied
✅ Allowing yourself occasional indulgences guilt-free
✅ Finding a healthy balance that you can maintain long-term
✅ Progressing with small, sustainable changes that fit your lifestyle
No wonder I wasn’t happy 😅
Who would be?
And you know what’s funny…
I did so well competing as a fitness model, I even got a pro card & was seen as ‘successful’ in my industry.
But what no one saw was the misery underneath it all. That’s not success, that’s insanity 😤
What I was putting myself through was NOT healthy. And that’s when I took a different approach.
An approach that allowed me 2 great things:
  1. Taking the pressure of myself, while seeing INSANE results
  2. Eating the foods I loved with ZERO restriction
The best news…
I didn't have to live like a bodybuilder ANYMORE to build my dream physique 👏
So if you’re tired of chasing perfection and ready for a REAL solution that works…
Stay tuned, because I’ve got something special dropping tomorrow at 8am GMT!🎉
Set your clocks, this is not one to miss!! 😱
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Emily Hackett
Most women don’t know this…
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