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Stellar Startup Case Studies! is happening in 16 hours
Goals to focus on
I have a lot of goals and, as the notifications, they can become noise or open loops. My way of approaching goals it to not have more than 3 big goals for the year (if you have more than 3 you're having none). It's like my North Star 🌟 shining and showing the way. One single question to know what to work on: Is this bringing me closer to my goal? If not, delegate, drop or delay. Easy. Less noise in my head. Obviously, I break my goals down into steps/milestones for the quarter/month/week ... you see where I'm getting. For the notifications, especially in Skool, I only watch a post if I want an update. Otherwise, the notifications from tagging my name are enough. I don't feel the urge to check the notifications if I'm busy with something else. Hope this inspires you for your daily tasks 😉
New comment Feb 22
Big Day!! Tasks Update!
I'm back with an update on my tasks for today, I haven't done this much last week, but I've found that doing it definitely keeps me more accountable to achieve my daily goals and get's the community flowing so here we go: Tasks: - Create a brand proposal for my first client (yes!! I made it to the 1st big checkpoint as an entrepreneur!) - Drop a VALUABLE post in each of my communities - Get to all my notifications (it's getting harder by the day...) - McK's Strategy Meeting (a meeting with myself haha, where I strategise about the future of McK's and how we're best to get there) Goals: - Contribute REAL value to the communities I'm a part of - Get all my notifications under wraps a bit (feels like it's always on 99+ no matter how many i get to !!) - Reach 20 members in my community (we're at 17) - Get a clear view of the upcoming months and how I'm going to navigate them ! Today is a big day! I didn't feel as productive last week, and in order for me to not start losing momentum I need to create some forward momentum by crushing today and having an explosive start to the week ! So there is more weight on these tasks being completed than just how important they are to be done... today is an opportunity for me to kick on and explode upwards !
New comment Feb 19
Big Day!! Tasks Update!
Goals for today!
It has been a couple of busy days over here at Stellar Startups behind the scenes. We have been planning the challenges, community calls and creating some more content for the class room. We will officially niche down by next week as we believe that it will be the best way to provide you guys with as much value as possible. Todays Goals: -Be Active on at least 3 communities -Get to 30 Members -Create a Cohesive Classroom -Study more Copywriting -Business meetings -Create Instagram Content for next week -Plan the Challenges + prizes I want you guys to do the same, I haven't seen many posts explaining your goals for the day and I know some of you guys like @Mac Gounden really enjoyed it and found it helpful so make sure you make a post explaining your tasks and goals for today!
Complete action
New comment Feb 17
Goals for today!
Tasks Update!!
What's going on peeps, yesterday I shared what i felt was a crazy tasks list... I know it might not be a lot, but it seemed to me like a huge mountain to climb ':P I'm glad to say that, thanks to you guys motivating me to not want to fail publicly, I got everything done. This is not a major win, but it is a step in the right direction, and the first building block of the foundation that discipline is built on. Let's go for a two day streak! Here's my tasks list today: - Prep for consulting client meeting - 11:00 - consulting prospect meeting - Make 10 Post Contributions in each of my communities - Make 10 Post Contributions in McK's Enterprises - Complete ***** Classroom resource and post it - Post ***** resource on LinkedIn - Complete 1st case study & Post it in McK's Classroom + Reply to all Skool notifications
New comment Feb 15
Tasks Update!!
Daily Tasks
Today looks a bit different.. I've got a few personal obligations to take care of, and will do my best to get as much work done as possible! Here's my list: - Personal obligations - make 10 post contributions in each of my communities - make 10 post contributions in McK's - reach out to 5 mindset coaches - answer all my notifications on Skool + the ones from yesterday I couldn't get to Todays goals: - Top 3 on The Skool Games Community (weekly) leaderboard - McK's Enterprises: 10 members - Take Care of Personal Obligations Yesterday, I was occupied (personal obligations) for 8 hours... that kind of put a dent in the amount of work I could get done, and today I've got a lot to take care of as well, however, nobody cares about the excuses we make or the reasons we didn't win. We either win or don't. So Imma push to get this tasks list done today no matter what and still take care of everything on the personal side. Looking forward to hearing back from you guys, and how your lists look!
New comment Feb 10
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