Goals to focus on
I have a lot of goals and, as the notifications, they can become noise or open loops.
My way of approaching goals it to not have more than 3 big goals for the year (if you have more than 3 you're having none). It's like my North Star 🌟 shining and showing the way.
One single question to know what to work on: Is this bringing me closer to my goal?
If not, delegate, drop or delay. Easy. Less noise in my head.
Obviously, I break my goals down into steps/milestones for the quarter/month/week ... you see where I'm getting.
For the notifications, especially in Skool, I only watch a post if I want an update. Otherwise, the notifications from tagging my name are enough. I don't feel the urge to check the notifications if I'm busy with something else.
Hope this inspires you for your daily tasks 😉
Catherine Polet
Goals to focus on
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