Goals for today!
It has been a couple of busy days over here at Stellar Startups behind the scenes. We have been planning the challenges, community calls and creating some more content for the class room. We will officially niche down by next week as we believe that it will be the best way to provide you guys with as much value as possible.
Todays Goals:
-Be Active on at least 3 communities
-Get to 30 Members
-Create a Cohesive Classroom
-Study more Copywriting
-Business meetings
-Create Instagram Content for next week
-Plan the Challenges + prizes
I want you guys to do the same, I haven't seen many posts explaining your goals for the day and I know some of you guys like really enjoyed it and found it helpful so make sure you make a post explaining your tasks and goals for today!
Complete action
Hugo Guarch Browne
Goals for today!
Stellar Startups
A Community for Entrepreneurs, Builders, Learners, Artists, and Dreamers!
Leaderboard (30-day)
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