The Most Important Thing in Sales: Attention
You're probably always on the lookout for that one magic bullet that will help you close more deals.
But the truth is, there is no silver bullet.The most important thing in sales is attention.
If you can't get your prospect's attention, it doesn't matter how great your pitch is. They're not going to hear it. And if they're not hearing your pitch, you're not going to close the deal.
The good news is that there are a few things you can do to get your prospect's attention, and in this video, we'll dive into three of the most effective ways to do it!
#1: Be concise
#2: Make an emotional connection
#3: Be genuinely interested
Do you have any other tips for getting a prospect's attention? Share them in the comments below!
Vinnie Hecht
The Most Important Thing in Sales: Attention
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