When I hear "work on yourself" I think, "what the flip flop do you mean?"
Everyone on social media and tiktok is all about "better yourself", become "1% better"
However there are so many ways you can work on yourself, where do you start? It is basically a term I like to use "Paralysis by Analysis" and I catch myself still falling victim to this at times like bro there are 1000 things I could get better at where do you start?
One place that has been a rock solid place to start is in two places
My Faith and my fitness
It doesn't have to be rocket science, K.I.S.S. (keep it simple stupid) set a physical goal and strive for it.
Mine is simply to drop 8-10% body fat by March 1st that gives me 15 weeks so enough time to do it the right way and keep the gains I have already worked my tail off to get
I would love to hear a little feedback from everybody, what does personal development look like to you?