Licence this Dental product as your own, sell for 3K upwards!
Hi Guys
If you've been wanting to get in on the action of licencing and get your own product you could sell for north of 3K (for free), then read on...
A fellow member here who is a professional copy writer created a marketing package a few years ago for a local dentist that not only saved his practice, but generated more growth 4 weeks than his previous 15 years in business!
When you consider a full treatment of implants can cost around $35,000...selling a package like this for 3K would be a steal for them. It's never been sold to the public so anybody taking this on would get a serious head start.
All we would ask would be a percentage of the sale, or a set fee per sale, something we can discuss if you're interested. Hint: Whilst you could sell it onesey twosey, why not do do what Travis teaches and put it into the hands of somebody who could sell a ton of these, like a dental supplier, or a Dental FB / Skool group owner?
DM me if you want to talk more and see the package.
The package includes (all in editable document format):
26 letter / email promotions
1 Appointment Card template
31 Adverts
1 Customer referral template
1 Customer collector template
1 Lead Magenet
1 Dental Sign
1 Quick Start guide for Dentists to use the product
5 Web pages for a website
All the best,
Phil and Mark
Phil Wheatley
Licence this Dental product as your own, sell for 3K upwards!
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