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A.I. Royalty Rockstars

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LinkedIn For Breakfast

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9 contributions to A.I. Royalty Rockstars
Public Domain Goldmine
That was the title of an info product (on CD) by a friend of mine from over 20 years ago, named Yanik Silver. You don't need that CD to understand the concept: There are thousands (probably millions) of books and other publications that are now in the public domain! Which means...the copyrights have expired and they can be used (by anyone) in pretty much any way they want. Such as re-publishing. Or editing into a new version. Or a version with YOUR insights and commentary. So you're thinking "Yeah, but OLD stuff is old and not interesting to people today." THINK AGAIN! Sure, some books are outdated and have no real use today, but...there are so many that ARE or COULD BE useful today, that it boggles the mind when you look into it. It really IS a GOLDMINE. (even if you don't have Yanik's CD and course on the topic). Q: How hard is get rights to books and other works in the public domain? A: You already have the rights to these assets...NO NEGOTIATION NECESSARY!!!! Oh yeah, did I mention how EASY it is to us A.I. to research and re-purpose and re-write public domain works? ""Even truth needs to be clad in new garments if it is to appeal to a new age." - Georg C. Lichtenberg
New comment Jul 9
1 like • Jul 1
I bought Yanik's product as well John. Used to have a heap of websites selling PD material. Used Google adwords to sales letter page. Have now turned some of these PD books into Kindle books.
0 likes • Jul 3
Haven't the years been changed that books fall into publuc domain?
who has courses they want to sell?? i have multiple ready audiences
i have the excited green light from several YT channel owners, who have several hundreds of thousands of subscribers, and they want my help to sell good quality courses to their groups, focused on "living off grid and escaping the rat race" as they put it. pretty much making money online type of stuff, unfortunately a lot of the guru stuff out there is either crap or incomplete on purpose. anybody have any awesome courses along those lines, that they'd want to sell and license out? let's make a deal.
New comment Jul 20
0 likes • Jun 16
Basel - check out YTuber Curtis Stone....think he has a few courses ...he started out as The Urban Farmer ........
0 likes • Jun 16
Also check out Jean Martin Fortier - The Marrket Gardener Institue - He has courses
COMING SOON: Mojo Certified Rainmaker Directory
If you'd like a Mojo Certified Rainmaker to turn your email, group, direct mail, course, program, or other IP into a 5-figure or 6-figure cash windfall within 30 days (give or take)... I've carefully vetted and worked with a number of Mojo Approved and Certified Rainmakers. The Rainmakers in the directory (coming soon) have agreed to WAIVE typical upfront deposits. This means they ONLY get paid AFTER money hits your Stripe, Paypal or merchant account. It is truly pay-for-performance. Depending on your audience and offer... It is not unusual for us to turn audiences into $250,000 to $500,000 in sales in under 30 days. Then if that works out, hunky dory 😀 We can pile on another $500k to $1 million in a year for many companies. Would you like me to put you in touch with a Rainmaker before I get the directory done? 👉 Holler at me by DM on Skool Here Rooting for Ya, Travis
New comment Jun 1
COMING SOON: Mojo Certified Rainmaker Directory
2 likes • May 14
Great idea. Have sent you a DM
Looking for some guidance
Hey. This is probably going to come across like bragging or something That is not the intention. I flip houses for a living. Been doing it for nearly 20 years. Last week, I made about $400K on a property I owned for less than 2 months, and did nothing to but buy and resell. In my business, 6 figure paydays happen a few times a year. But not consistently enough and predictably enough. So, I am looking to do something, preferably NOT real estate related, that can bring in a recurring monthly income of $50K+ a month NET. This has been the goal for a while, but I've seen a lot of shiny objects, a lot of hype, a lot of noise, and very little on specifics. I sank good money and time into ventures that looked promising but didn't pan out. I have capital to deploy, I know a thing or two about marketing. What SPECIFICALLY would you recommend I do now to build the recurring monthly income? (Again, I prefer that it NOT be real estate related). Thanks for the input.
New comment Apr 19
0 likes • Apr 17
@Jason Buzi don't think he has one as such .If his supplement biz does have a web site I don't know it. He sells a course 😀on starting your own supplement biz
2 likes • Apr 19
@Daryl Thompson Lot of money in property investing education. I wrote the sales copy for UK's largest property education company. Jeez they made some bucks.
🔥 $7101 in the 1st 51 minutes of the 24 Hour Auction
I showed Rockstars how to run a 24-hour Social Auction. One fella got DOZENS of bids (aka buyer leads) and finished the auction at $3100...from his FB profile. 👉Another Rockstar just kicked off his auction less than 1 hour ago... He's got a bundle of bids/leads over $1k and the high bid is $6,500 in the first hour. ...from his personal profile. There is a mountain of leads, money, and future business in our groups, communities, and our own personal profiles... 😀A 24-hour auction is a hella fun way to unlock it all. It's in the classroom. Rooting For Ya, Travis PS He's at $7001 now at exactly 51 minutes in. PPS I showed the one fella the training yesterday afternoon and he had his auction going this morning. I predict he'll end with 100 leads and a winning bid of over $25,000. PPPS If you're having a hard time finding the auction training, watch this short Loom
Complete action
New comment Apr 23
3 likes • Apr 3
@Michal Kosalka
3 likes • Apr 3
@Michal Kosalka thanks you
1-9 of 9
Mark Pocock
30points to level up
Helping business owners grow their business with higher converting sales copy. "107 sales. each sale was worth £5,000. it brought us £535,000" R.E.

Active 2d ago
Joined Mar 29, 2024
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