Never Want it To Be You're Fault, Because Usually it isn't Anyway...
When it comes to negotiation you never want the reason that you can’t go up on price to be your fault.
This was one of the greatest lessons that I have ever learned to this day, and I use this in multiple different industries at this point.
Using a third-party as blame for why you can’t increase your offer is a very powerful way to negotiate.
Let me give you an example.
If you were to say no to me and all I said back was…
“Sorry I can’t pay more for the phone.”
Would that convince you to sell the phone to me? Probably not.
What if I said this?
“Hey unfortunately I can’t pay that price due to where the prices are for it in the market right now, but I can pay $_____ and I can pay cash today.”
Which one sounds better to you?
It’s probably the second one. I’m blaming the market in that example.
You can also blame things like the new iPhone is coming out soon which is true because you’re not lying there there’s always a new iPhone coming out.
You can also blame things on your buyer. I do it all the time.
“Unfortunately, my buyer isn’t paying very high prices for these models right now.”
This is how you blame a third-party. This is one of the most powerful tools you can use in your arsenal when you are negotiating. Great thing is you are being honest about this as well.
Try it out and let me know how it goes!
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Christopher Schroeder
Never Want it To Be You're Fault, Because Usually it isn't Anyway...
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