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Home Service Academy 🚀

Private • 923 • Free

GoHighLevel w/ Robb Bailey

Public • 7.3k • Free

Acquisition CEO Group

Private • 447 • Free


Private • 3k • Free

iPhone Buyback, Resale, Repair

Private • 148 • $19/m

Phone Flipping Mastery

Private • 241 • Free

Reselling Electronics 4 Profit

Public • 340 • Free

3 contributions to Reselling Electronics 4 Profit
First real win
Started ads on Monday for $5 a day just like Chris does in starter kit. I just picked up 6 phones today that will profit me $700 selling to DB. Update* $28 spent in ads $875 in profit after another pickup today
New comment 2d ago
4 likes • 13d
I started getting into flipping at the beginning of June. Up until the 16th I was only doing outreach which I pretty much had zero success from. Actually lost money on first 2 phones I bought. Came across Chris’s videos and I decided to take the Starter Kit to see how I can run FB ads. I literally copied everything Chris did in the video. Set up 1 ad campaign for $5/day. Split testing 5 different photos inside that one campaign. 25 mile radius. From that I’ve gotten 15 conversations started. 3 clients and 8 phones picked up. With 2 more coming from the same client I just picked up from today. And the first client who only sold me 1 phone wants to sell me an Xbox Series X now as well. I was going to do the 3 step optimization on Sunday but I’ll be traveling for work next week. So I’ll probably turn them off. I’ll be shipping 7 phones to Atlas and sold 1 phone locally.
0 likes • 13d
Where are you located? Let's connect and do some business
Drop your location in the comments, check out where other people are and connect, who know, you my end up doing business together.
New comment 18d ago
Where are you located? Let's connect and do some business
1 like • 20d
Sacramento, California
Think you have competition in your phone flipping business? You might think a lot of people would sell their phones or devices on Marketplace or online, but actually, not many do. It turns out, regular people selling devices isn't as common as you might think. Here’s something interesting I found out after running ads for phone flippers for YEARS... I most places, there are only 1 or 2 serious phone flippers who buy and sell phones for every 100,000 people. That’s not a lot! Also, many of these phone flippers aren’t great at making deals, which means they might not be making much money from selling these devices. A few months ago, I called some stores in my city to see if they wanted to buy my phones. Most of them didn’t even buy phones at all, and the few that did offer me so little that they couldn't possibly close other people. This made me realize something important... There aren’t as many people trying to buy and sell phones as you think. Actually, if you start thinking of yourself as the person others have to compete with, it can really change how you see things. Since there aren’t many people who are good at this, there’s a big chance for you to be the best at it in your area. So, if you’ve been worried about too many people trying to do the same thing, don’t be. There’s plenty of room for you to get involved and do well!
New comment 23d ago
0 likes • 23d
this is great insight and a mental switch to flip in my head. I do see a lot of resellers posting on facebook because i see they have a lot of inventory. Do you currently have videos covering this and whats your thoughts on getting phones from these people?
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Livin the dream

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Joined Jun 12, 2024
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