what the f*ck do I want?
I attended a talk with James Clear, author of Atomic Habits. He shared that every morning, he asks himself, What do I want?—not what others want for him, but what he truly wants. This insight resonated deeply with me, and I wanted to pass it along to you. 💡
We often live our lives trying to meet the expectations of other f*ckers—family, friends, society. 😤 But how often do we stop and ask ourselves, What do I actually f*cking want for my own life? 🤔 It’s easy to get caught up in what others think is best for us, but the truth is, if we constantly live by someone else’s standards, we lose touch with our own desires, passions, and goals. 🌱
Now, don’t get me wrong, f*ck face—if you have kids or other responsibilities, of course, they need to be taken care of. 👶 But even with those responsibilities, it’s still important to ask yourself: What the f*ck do I want? 🧠 It’s okay to be selfish, and in fact, sometimes, it’s necessary. Prioritizing what you want isn’t about being inconsiderate—it’s about owning your life and your choices. 🔥 If you’re always living for someone else, you’ll never get to experience the fullness of your own potential. 🚀
Being selfish doesn’t mean disregarding others, but rather, it’s about setting boundaries and ensuring that your own needs and dreams don’t get buried under the weight of other people’s expectations. 🌟 When you get clear on what you want, and give yourself permission to pursue it, that’s when true growth and fulfillment happen. 💪
So, what do you want? What makes you feel alive? Start there, and don’t apologize for putting yourself first. 💯
Drop in the comments what the f*ck you want today! ⬇️
Bryan Holub
what the f*ck do I want?
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