✨ Share Your Experience: Connecting with Your Higher Self ✨
Hey Beautiful Namatitty Souls! 💫
I hope you all had a f*cking powerful experience during the Higher Self meditation. This practice is seriously next-level, and I'd love for you f*ckers to connect and share your takeaways. Let's dive in and see what kind of wisdom your Higher Self dropped on you.
Here are a few prompts to guide your reflection:
  1. What were your biggest takeaways?
  2. Where’s your safe place?
  3. How did you feel when you invited your Higher Self into your safe place?
  4. Did your Higher Self give you any answers or insights?
✨ Remember: The whole point is to invite your Higher Self to the meditation—nothing more, nothing less. If you’re still figuring out how to fully connect, no worries. This is one of those practices that gets more intense and f*cking magical the more you do it. Take your time and let it unfold.
💬 Let’s engage:
  • Drop your reflections in the comments, and don’t be shy about replying to other f*ckers! Maybe their experience will vibe with yours or inspire something new. We're all here to support each other as we grow and dive deeper into this journey.
🌟 Don't hold back—no reflection is too small or too out there. Bring it all!
In Zero F*cks We Trust,
Yogi Bryan ✨
P.S. If you want to go deeper with your practice then join the Yogi Bryan Academy...soon to be The Yogi Bryan Mastermind. LIFETIME access offer ends tonight https://yogibryan.com/mtt-course
Bryan Holub
✨ Share Your Experience: Connecting with Your Higher Self ✨
Release Your F*cks Society
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