Lions and tigers and bears oh my
So I guess I really don't suffer from anxiety attacks or panic attacks but a low level of anxiety or dread. Always waiting for the other shoe to fall. You know I can't believe that I have a home and a family and you know 2.3 cars and 3.7 cats. And you know we don't have to worry about where our next meal is coming from. Or you know retirement is oh probably a decade away and this year we're celebrating 10 years in our house. And you know we have the 30-year mortgage so we've got 20 to go to pay off and pay it off. And you know with is not going to be a political rant I promise. But you know with the the election and all the emotions and worry and and all that that kicks up. You know my anxiety level has has been higher than normal and I just kind of wish. I mean I voted early. I knew we had early voting and I went ahead and did it on the first day. You could do it but every ad it's not just every other ad but every ad on TV a political one and feels like I can't even escape it. I'm like I already did what I was going to do right now. Go away and it just won't go away so whatever the outcome all that's going to be I'm going to be happy that hopefully this this tension this you know craziness dissipates and and goes away for 2 years. When we do you know elections again and then you know 4 years when we do another presidential election. You know it just seems like okay. I did it. Now I wish and maybe somebody else out there is who's smarter than me or no. Something more than I do. Could just you could put a thing in your TV or what not ice stream. I don't even use cable. You know. Put something in there that says hey. This guy already voted. He doesn't need to see any of this. I can't go change my vote. It's already done so that would be nice. That would. I think that would alleviate a lot of the this stress and anxiety over this election and it's not just this election. This is every election that I've been a part of. You know I always try to make it a point okay. Vote early and then just either you know. Don't watch TV at all because it's going to cost stress or just kind of suck it up. Buttercup and I guess I'm tired of sucking it up buttercup it's it does that doesn't work. And you know I want to know what's going on in the world. But as far as this goes you know as far as election goes I'm done. I already voted. Leave me alone and you know I know people get you know that's their livelihoods is to you know create the ads and create this tension in the world and they have families that they have to take care of. I get it. I understand but at what cost you know? And okay you got to pay a million for a 30 second ad at the super bowl. How many people could that help feed? You know I don't know. I'm just really tired of it and I'm 51 and I probably got a good. I don't know 20 30 maybe 40 years left in me. I've got other things to worry about. You know I act to feed my family. You know make sure they're clothed. Make sure they have a house. Make sure that they have a good life. I have to do that for myself and I'll have to do a good job at work because I help people with financial well-being. You know. Learn you know about finances you know not telling them what to do their finances but just saying hey here's a light bulb. You know you may want to think about this. You know that's my job. I had a friend of mine from college call me out kind of out of the blue and he was like hey Tim, one of the reasons that you're in the position that you're in is because you're empathetic. Yes, you hate people but you like individuals and you like hearing their stories and I do like hearing of people stories. I like hearing the individual stories. My wife has me pegged perfectly up on my wall. It says that's what I do. I pet cats. I hate people and I know things. I'm good with people. I'm not. I am not good and this whole social media thing is weird for me as I'm just like and everyone else is like this is my line and after while becomes just static so I don't know and this is kind of how I journal everyday too is when I do these guys meditations and then I come here and and in general frame to download all my comments and and so that way I can just kind of turn it into a journal and then you know when I pass I can give it to my kids and they can see what was going on in their crazy Father's head. I don't know these are questions that are above my page. I'll just leave them before now. But anyhow, thank you for about reading through this rant and I hope you all had a great meditation. Want to try to use this for when stuff becomes a little too much. Thanks!
Timothy Brien
Lions and tigers and bears oh my
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