22d ago (edited) in General discussion
  • No promotions allowed. This includes posts to drive traffic to your own pages or direct DMs.
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I'm glad you decided to jump into this community. When I first started, I didn't understand how to make cold calls, and I was literally shaking as I did it. Terrible experience. But over time, I got better, and I got to the point where I was training cold callers on how to do this effectively. And the crazy thing was... they got good. They got scary good. I want that for you too.
Ultimately, I want this to be the place where you can get started to feel comfortable making those initial calls and gaining experience on the phones. My hope is that by providing this value and training to you, that you'll level up over time and get to a place where you want to achieve the next level of closer. If that is your ultimate destination, than I have another training group waiting specifically for you with direct video conference calls with me and amazing guest speakers.
But before that, I need to show you that this material works and these techniques work. Consume all the content. Study it. Implement like crazy. Post your wins and losses here and allow this community to give you feedback.
  • Your First Step: Introduce yourself and show your workspace to earn points.
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Jeff Smith
REI Cold Caller School
Learn how to cold call effectively, set appointments, be a high performing lead manager, and break the ice entering real estate phone conversations!
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