REI Cold Caller School
Public group
116 members
👋 Join REI Cold Calling School & learn how to get on the phones to filter qualified leads and set appointments like a pro! Get the complete training that Jeff utilizes in training his own cold callers.
❗100% access on Day 1
❗Monthly webinars and Q&A with Jeff
This Training Would Cost Normally $597 per person
💰 Make Introductions
💰 Find Motivation, Urgency, Pricing, Condition
💰 Personality Types & Disqualifying Prospects
💰 Handling Follow Up Calls
💰 Get Your Callers to Ask You How to be a Team Player
💰 Setting Appointments that get Answered! (PRICELESS)
🚨 Click Join & Strengthen Your Call Skills Now! 👉
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REI Cold Caller School
Learn how to cold call effectively, set appointments, be a high performing lead manager, and break the ice entering real estate phone conversations!
Leaderboard (30-day)
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