Faster Gym Results—Here’s What You’re Missing🎯
Hey Red 5 Tribe, want to speed up your gains? Here are a few things you might not be doing, but definitely should: Increase Workout Intensity 🔥 - To make your muscles grow faster, crank up the intensity. The last few reps of your sets should be at or near failure. If you’re not pushing hard, you’re leaving gains on the table. Supplement Smart 💊 - Creatine is one of the most researched and proven supplements out there for muscle growth and recovery. I use Legion’s Recharge, but any creatine monohydrate will get the job done. Hydrate More 💧 - Drink more water. Staying hydrated boosts recovery and performance, helping you get more out of each workout. Eat More Food 🍗 - Don’t be afraid to fuel your body. Eating enough is crucial for muscle growth—no food, no gains. Don’t see this as an excuse to eat that bag of chips! Eat meals rich in protein and low in calories! These chips, sweets or anything similar will only make you gain fat (that’s what they’re made out of) and the sugar will make you crave for more! Prioritize Sleep 💤 - Sleep is when your body does the majority of its recovery and growth. Aim for 7 to 9 hours a night. It’s not just about resting; it’s about getting stronger. Do you do any other tips to optimise these gains? Stay strong and keep pushing! Red5