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Countdown is progressing
If you want to take me up on the free Surgery membership before I kill this site on Sunday, message me in the chat with your email address of choice. Clock is ticking. 😉
New comment Jul '23
I've done some thinking (dangerous, I know), and I have decided to shut Real Security Heretics. It makes no sense to have two community sites, so here's what will happen. On Monday 24th July, I will close this site. As buyers of my book, you are all invited to become members of The Surgery. This will be a free membership, which means that you'll get access to the community only. The webinars, Shorts and other exclusive content is reserved for my subscribers. If you want to join the Surgery (it's a lot more active over there than here), then email me at with the message title Surgery Request and I will then send you an invitation from that community site. If you want to become a full member, it costs £39.99 and you can do that here. This is only beneficial for you, and it saves me the admin, time and money costs of running two sites.
New comment Jul '23
How a CISO does business
If you think that I am unreasonably scathing of CISOs..check this out. Someone (a CISO) who trained with me years ago contacted me for a 'chat'. I don't 'chat'. Eventually, after some tooth-pulling, I was able to understand what they wanted. In-house training, bespoke training and a possible partnership deal. A multi million number is floated. My bullshit detector goes off. I agree to a single meeting and send a Calendly link to book a Zoom call. They then ask their PA to arrange a Teams call. In September. Work that out. I have something they want. They pursue me to discuss it. They then ignore my chosen means of doing business and push a conversation THEY WANTED off 3 months. This fucking idiot is in charge of stuff. That's a no from me. I am not the hired help. If you want to do business with me - think about what you're doing. My default answer is NO until you prove that you are someone I can and want to work with. People with problems are everywhere. People with my class of solutions? Much, much rarer.
New comment Jul '23
Career dissatisfaction
Many of you (those that bothered to answer the membership questions) admitted to being unsatisfied with the current state or direction of your careers. Been there, done that. But what are you willing to do about it? I'm going to recommend that you talk to me. Book a 30-minute career diagnostic and have (quite possibly) the first genuine conversation about your career that you've ever had. There is no obligation, no hard sell and no bait and switch. The only focus is your best interests and discovering how to make things better for yourself. People have saved time, money and hassle by not pursuing things that everyone else told them that they needed, but that didn't interest them. Book your session here. It's £50 and if I cannot help you get clarity on what you want to get a refund.
New comment Jul '23
What do you need?
Here's a quick poll. What do you currently think that you need to learn or improve on to develop the next stage of your career?
21 members have voted
New comment Jul '23
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Real Security Heretics
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