How a CISO does business
If you think that I am unreasonably scathing of CISOs..check this out.
Someone (a CISO) who trained with me years ago contacted me for a 'chat'.
I don't 'chat'.
Eventually, after some tooth-pulling, I was able to understand what they wanted.
In-house training, bespoke training and a possible partnership deal. A multi million number is floated. My bullshit detector goes off.
I agree to a single meeting and send a Calendly link to book a Zoom call.
They then ask their PA to arrange a Teams call. In September.
Work that out. I have something they want. They pursue me to discuss it. They then ignore my chosen means of doing business and push a conversation THEY WANTED off 3 months.
This fucking idiot is in charge of stuff.
That's a no from me. I am not the hired help.
If you want to do business with me - think about what you're doing. My default answer is NO until you prove that you are someone I can and want to work with. People with problems are everywhere. People with my class of solutions? Much, much rarer.
Rich Diston
How a CISO does business
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