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The Problem of Security
A LOT of people have contacted me about the book. They tell me that it gave them confidence, and that they just thought the problems they perceived was down to their own lack of understanding. You now know better. Discuss your thoughts on the book in this thread.
New comment Jun '23
Welcome to Real Security Heretics README
A lot of people have read The Problem of Security. You've bought it, hence you being invited into this community. I wanted to offer a place where you can all discuss the problems, themes and ideas that I presented. You sure cannot do it on LinkedIn. If you haven't bought the book yet, you can get it here. Nobody is getting in here without doing that. If you like my approach, you might enjoy the webinars, which you can find in the Classroom area. These are presented as individual recordings for purchase separately. They are also included in the Surgery membership that has a similar community site to this but with more engagement from me and exclusive content. You also get access to the live delivery of the monthly webinar, online course discounts and more. You can become a Surgery member and get access to that community and all those benefits here. The rules of Real Security Heretics? 1.There is only room for one Dick in here. 🤣 2.Stick around, ask questions, be open and civil. 3.No spam, no personal attacks. 4.No 'top 10 lists of free resources'. 5. No shilling for any business or organisation - unless you are me. 🤣 Leave all that shit on LinkedIn. Membership is a privilege, not a right. If in doubt about anything you are about to say or do...don't.
New comment Jul '23
Countdown is progressing
If you want to take me up on the free Surgery membership before I kill this site on Sunday, message me in the chat with your email address of choice. Clock is ticking. 😉
New comment Jul '23
I've done some thinking (dangerous, I know), and I have decided to shut Real Security Heretics. It makes no sense to have two community sites, so here's what will happen. On Monday 24th July, I will close this site. As buyers of my book, you are all invited to become members of The Surgery. This will be a free membership, which means that you'll get access to the community only. The webinars, Shorts and other exclusive content is reserved for my subscribers. If you want to join the Surgery (it's a lot more active over there than here), then email me at with the message title Surgery Request and I will then send you an invitation from that community site. If you want to become a full member, it costs £39.99 and you can do that here. This is only beneficial for you, and it saves me the admin, time and money costs of running two sites.
New comment Jul '23
In the land of the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy
So! Someone has recruited you to set up a full InfoSec department! It is a totally green field site. They have said you are in charge. The CEO is security aware and wants to do the right thing. You have the budgetary authority to spend on people (but not tech) You can build a full security division if you want. What does it look like in your world - and with those massive doobies you would need to smoke to make this a reality
New comment Jul '23
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Real Security Heretics
This is an exclusive community for people who have bought a Real Security Doctor book.
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