🧑‍🎓When the student is ready, the master will come!
Part of this recovery journey for me has been humbly accepting my powerlessness to my inner addict. The inner addict manifests through my inability to deal with trauma and the limiting beliefs that render me enslaved to negative patterns of behaviour that does not serve me. The inner addict serves to avoid, numb or deny the suffering in which I choose to not deal with or confront due to fear and this self belief of not feeling worthy or good enough.
In humbly accepting my powerlessness, I am able to surrender my will and find another way to live. As they say, the same thinking that got me into this mess cannot get me out. In surrendering my will to a caring and loving higher power of my understanding I am able to hold space for this "other way to live" through simplifying my reality or by deduction. Taking away the superficial things that serve to dilute my focus and energy and identifying those fundamentals we discuss in this community.
In identifying what these fundamentals are, I am endowed with the responsibility and empowerment to choose how I use and spend my time and energy. Who I allow into my space and what I listen to and fill my mind with.
Having a community of like minded individuals is paramount to my self development and growth.
Having a space to share ideas, share experiences, share what to do and what not to do is invaluable.
Humans, whether introverted or extroverted, are designed for community and like they say, the opposite of addiction is connection.
I look forward to this journey with this visionary and action based community of people who share that same value of growth and development.
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Kawa Koliavu
🧑‍🎓When the student is ready, the master will come!
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