Transformation - Holy Sh*t, What Just Happened?!?
Never thought it would happen to me... but wow - today it just clicked!
I've been chasing the WRONG NICHE for 10-years.
Marketing has been paying the bills for most of career, which started as an almost actor turned recovering lawyer turned successful marketer (for other people's businesses).
Now I've wanted to do my own thing, my own 1 to many empire for years.
I know I have what it takes: I can write, perform, speak, make videos, landing pages ALL THE THINGS... but I never could make this work, and now I know why...
It had NOTHING to do with knowledge, nothing to do with ability, and nothing to do with desire or commitment - it had to do with authenticity.
I was trying to teach marketing, which is something I know a TON about and built a career around because it paid the bills, made me money, and is in demand, BUT I don't think it's something I'm really PASSIONATE about.
So now, after these 3-days, I think I have finally found IT - the unique thing I can offer other people that can make the most IMPACT and help them succeed with one of the most important things in life.
I've got 5-kids (a literal handful) ages 6 to 17.
In all that time, I have learned SO much about myself, about parenting, about relationships.
The results I've seen from all those lessons blow me away.
I'm SO proud of the people they are and the people they are becoming.
Has it been easy? Hell, no.
Have I been a perfect parent - guys I have made so many mistakes it's shocking.
But through it all, I've been able to learn, adapt, and influence those 5 kids in ways that makes each of them say "you're a great dad" and "I love you"...
Sh*t, I've got teenagers who actually hug me when they leave the house - not because I tell them to or because they think they have to - but because they WANT to.
These are kids that come to me and my wife with their problems and talk to us about them, and they listen and take what we say and make it their own.
This is the niche that I think can make the most impact in the world, the thing I can share that will really help people.
Sure, I can teach you marketing. I can teach you how to craft a message, make a video, use AI the right way, all that stuff that I have been paid for throughout the years.
But I really believe the best thing I can offer you is my EXPERIENCE raising 5 kids, making all the mistakes, making all the changes, making it all work together to go out into this world a little better than we came into it.
So I want to thank you all, Russell, the speakers, the community for helping me find my calling.
And all it cost me was $100 and a few days of my attention - what an investment, what an experience, what an opportunity!
I'm so grateful for this event, and one day I will be in the $10K group. One day I will be in the TWO COMMA club. One day I will be giving 2 commas to a cause because I'll be able to in a way I never could before.
But I know myself, and I know how easy it is to just pay my way into thinking I'm doing something.
So before I make the BIG investment with my money, I'm going to make the ENORMOUS investment with my time, my willingness to take this knowledge and turn it into action, launching my offer in the next six weeks (September 26 is my target date), and then doing it 1-time per week for the next year.
When I see myself being consistent and making some money with it, then I'm looking forward to investing in the Inner Circle and going even further.
This might not be what you plan to do, but for me, this is want I need to do - I believe in Russell and everything he has to offer (I have found my ONE mentor), and I would recommend his offer to anyone looking to do this.
I need to prove to myself that I'm committed - and once I do, believe me, I'll be the first to sign up for the five-figure opportunity to take things to the next level.
For now, I'm starting at LEVEL 1. See y'all on the other side.
COMMENT BELOW to share YOUR TRANSFORMATION and let's make this happen together.
Mike Mintz
Transformation - Holy Sh*t, What Just Happened?!?
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