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Selling Online / Prime Mover

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16 contributions to Selling Online / Prime Mover
[TESTIMONIALS] What Was "Selling Online" Like For You?!?
For everyone who's on the fence about joining the Selling Online Event, what was YOUR experience? Missed it? Grab your ticket for the NEXT Selling Online Event here!!
New comment 7h ago
8 likes • Aug 16
Life changing. I finally figured out what I can and should offer. I’m launching my parenting offer in Sept 26 and already made my 60 second webinar video (now I gotta do the rest!).
Share Your 60-Second Webinar Video
Amazing 3 days with y’all. As Russell basically said: it’s action that gets you there. So I made this 60-second webinar for my parenting offer I’m launching on September 26 and wanted to share it with you. I’m happy to hear your feedback, and I hope you share yours below.
Share Your 60-Second Webinar Video
Transformation - Holy Sh*t, What Just Happened?!?
Never thought it would happen to me... but wow - today it just clicked! I've been chasing the WRONG NICHE for 10-years. Marketing has been paying the bills for most of career, which started as an almost actor turned recovering lawyer turned successful marketer (for other people's businesses). Now I've wanted to do my own thing, my own 1 to many empire for years. I know I have what it takes: I can write, perform, speak, make videos, landing pages ALL THE THINGS... but I never could make this work, and now I know why... It had NOTHING to do with knowledge, nothing to do with ability, and nothing to do with desire or commitment - it had to do with authenticity. I was trying to teach marketing, which is something I know a TON about and built a career around because it paid the bills, made me money, and is in demand, BUT I don't think it's something I'm really PASSIONATE about. So now, after these 3-days, I think I have finally found IT - the unique thing I can offer other people that can make the most IMPACT and help them succeed with one of the most important things in life. RAISING KIDS YOU ACTUALLY LIKE (not just love). I've got 5-kids (a literal handful) ages 6 to 17. In all that time, I have learned SO much about myself, about parenting, about relationships. The results I've seen from all those lessons blow me away. I'm SO proud of the people they are and the people they are becoming. Has it been easy? Hell, no. Have I been a perfect parent - guys I have made so many mistakes it's shocking. But through it all, I've been able to learn, adapt, and influence those 5 kids in ways that makes each of them say "you're a great dad" and "I love you"... Sh*t, I've got teenagers who actually hug me when they leave the house - not because I tell them to or because they think they have to - but because they WANT to. These are kids that come to me and my wife with their problems and talk to us about them, and they listen and take what we say and make it their own.
New comment Aug 17
Transformation - Holy Sh*t, What Just Happened?!?
0 likes • Aug 16
@Christopher Izquierdo thanks man. What was yours?
1 like • Aug 16
@Rick Harrison thanks man. At first I thought I was nuts for not going after the whole wealth via marketing niche that I know from my day job. I always felt icky about teaching people how to amass wealth by making my own wealth off them. But teaching them how to have the best family relationship by doing the things I’ve done over the years to have my own - that feels right. I even wrote and filmed my 60 second webinar yesterday during the break. Check it out!
[AHA MOMENTS] Session 4: Building Your Own Stages
1-to-1 requires a full calendar -- and 1-to-Many requires speaker invitations... But what if YOU could control YOUR Stage 100% ON DEMAND!?! Drop all of the gold from the "AHAs", Realizations & Brain-Explosions you have as you dive into Session #4. ...remember, the Presentation SELLS - the stage lets you PRESENT! Missed it? Grab your ticket for the NEXT Selling Online Event here!!
New comment 16d ago
[AHA MOMENTS] Session 4: Building Your Own Stages
0 likes • Aug 16
@Craig Marty two things: (1) marketing and creative work bc that’s what I do for money, (2) advice on kids and marriage bc I am blessed to have worked really hard in both for the past 20 years and we’ve got a family that many of our friends say they model their own after and want to know how we do it. I think the second one is an area that can change lives, and the first is my vehicle to do it. Plus marketing is something I just fell into bc I am a good writer and the self taught the rest. But raising kids and a family is something I learned by making lists of mistakes and always growing through them. It’s more precious than all the money and if I can give that to others it will make them richer than any wealth they can amass.
0 likes • Aug 16
@Craig Marty either marketing or what they can do to have family relationships with my wife and kids like I do. I think the later makes the most impact because having a loving family is worth more than all the gold (it’s something you can’t buy 😎).
[AHA MOMENTS] Session 11: The Hero's Journey
Day 3 has OFFICIALLY kicked off! Sound off below when you're here and drop those "AHA"s!!! Let's kick it off RIGHT!!! Missed it? Grab your ticket for the NEXT Selling Online Event here!!
New comment 14d ago
0 likes • Aug 15
@Sean McCoy is this the 10k product?
1-10 of 16
Mike Mintz
48points to level up
Sales Funnel Creator | Helping brands, creative professionals, and influencers get more leads from their content online.

Active 8d ago
Joined Aug 12, 2024
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