Have Faith In Your Idea (my story)
If you're like me, there is no proof or evidence in your life that you can achieve wealth.
My father is an academic, who ran 2-3 jobs as a professor at a time to support my family. Once I was born he realised he had to make a change to afford me and moved into media analysis at one of the national television companies.
My mother was a licensed nurse who worked for a private clinic but gave it up to raise the family.
They both came from families that valued education, and believed that honour, dignity, and respectability were highly important (at many times to the point of pride).
This meant that my parents invested everything in my two sister's and my education, seeking scholarships and keeping the belt tight. I went into highschool as my sisters graduated college, so my financial aid was reduced. I evaluated the experience i had with my sisters in expensive colleges and felt averse to doing that to my parents, so when I was rejected the first time from Berklee, I chose not to improve and reapply, and instead stayed in a local tech school to study music and engineering.
Of course, with that path, everyone expected my sisters and i to follow the corporate path, despite the job economy being tighter than a, well, most of you probably remember 2008-2016.
To make matters worse, as I had resigned myself to a life of office work (but hey, at least in studios and venues and not in a cubicle!), I came up to my last year of college, and the owner of the school insulted the entire nation's sound engineering industry in a moment of hubris.
I watched as my friends and peers had their job offers pulled, and suddenly anyone who graduated with the school's name on a paper between 2016 and 2018 had hell to cross to get a job.
So, when Tai's SMMA webinar crossed my fb in February 2017, I, a life long tinkerer of businesses and believer that I would be a millionaire somehow, signed up and watched it, then spent 1,250 i did not have to buy it.
Since then, I've lived some incredible things, worked with millionaires and even one billionaire, and at times have made 40k a month in sales.
I had all this evidence that the faith in my idea was well founded.
And then, my business partner stole money from an investor, used funds and our software accounts to go hunting for his own clients, we got audited, and lost everything.
I spent the next two and a half years in a serious funk, because I had to confront the reality that I had turned a blind eye on the few red flags that would have prevented it and that I had allowed the misfortune. Of course, it took me over a year to get to that point.
I also looked at everything I had lost, and since the evidence pointed to needing other people to achieve it, I stopped believing I could accomplish my goals.
These last 6 months I've been spending a lot of time redefining who I am and re-fuelling my belief that I can accomplish my idea.
I STILL have no evidence that I can do all of this myself, but I never lost the belief that one day I would be redonculously rich in order to give back to my parents and support my own family with no limitations.
HAVE FAITH IN YOUR IDEA. Not even Russell had anything more than his idea to get him to success, so don't think you have less.
If you have your idea, you're already successful, creation is done, it's there.
Believe it.
Robert Macbeth
Have Faith In Your Idea (my story)
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