[💣 Free course pt. 2] 👁️ Build Awareness
Part 2 of my stages to a successful funnel series, check out part one at the bottom.
In the Awareness stage, it’s all about standing out and making your brand memorable in the minds of your audience. You need to cut through the noise and capture the attention of people who may not know they have a problem or that your solution exists. Your content must spark interest, engage quickly, and deliver value upfront.
I want to share some things I've learned from Alex Hormozi and Gary Vee, as I think they might be kings of attention getting tactics.
If you don't know him yet, Alex Hormozi is known for his no-nonsense approach to business growth, focuses on making bold, attention-grabbing offers that stand out in crowded markets. He often speaks about the importance of being direct and high-value from the outset.
Gary Vee advocates for content-driven marketing and creating endless value for your audience. He pushes the idea of becoming so valuable that your audience feels compelled to engage with you. Gary pushes the need to show up consistently on multiple platforms to build a deep connection with your audience over time.
Use an Irresistible Hook For Your Offer:
Hormozi is a master at creating irresistible offers that grab immediate attention, as highlighted by his book's titles starting with "100 Million Dollar Offers/Leads". He argues that the key to standing out in the Awareness stage is to offer something that your audience simply cannot say no to. This could be a bold promise, a free resource, or a huge value offer that immediately addresses a pain point or desire.
Hormozi often says: “You don’t have an audience problem, you have an offer problem.” This means that your offer has to be so good that people feel stupid saying no to it. During the Awareness stage, focus on creating an offer that is high-value and low-risk to the consumer.
Create a lead magnet that directly solves one of your audience’s biggest pain points for free. It should be something that immediately provides tangible value, such as a detailed checklist, eBook, or free training. Make sure the offer is simple, direct, and easy to understand—no complicated funnels or multi-step processes at this point.
Example: Offer a “Free 5-Day Masterclass on How to Increase Your Sales by 10x” with clear, actionable steps in exchange for an email sign-up.
Consistency and Output Volume:
Gary constantly talks about the need to create high-volume, high-quality content that reaches people where they spend time. Gary believes that to build awareness, you need to be everywhere your audience is, providing so much value through your content that people naturally start paying attention to you.
He stresses that content must not be sales-heavy at this stage—it should be educational, entertaining, and engaging. The more value you deliver upfront, the more likely people will begin to recognize your brand as a leader in your space.
Develop a content strategy that focuses on consistent posting across multiple platforms—Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, TikTok, etc. You should aim for daily content, sharing bite-sized value that your audience can consume quickly. Repurpose content across platforms, turning long-form videos into shorter clips, quotes into image posts, and blog articles into social media snippets.
Example: If you have a podcast episode, take snippets from it and turn those into 30-second clips for Instagram, a blog post for your website, and a short summary for LinkedIn. This maximizes your content reach.
Lead with Value:
Both Hormozi and Gary Vee preach the importance of leading with value—giving more than you ask for upfront. In the Awareness stage, you’re not trying to sell yet; you’re trying to show potential customers that you’re worth paying attention to. By offering high-value content for free, you’ll start building trust and credibility.
Hormozi emphasizes the importance of over-delivering. If you provide more value than people expect during this early stage, they’ll feel more inclined to trust your brand in the future. Gary Vee has coined the concept of, and written a book about, “Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook”—essentially, offer value, offer value, offer value, and then ask for something (like an email sign-up or sale) only after you’ve given so much that they feel compelled to act.
Create content that helps your audience solve a problem, inspires them, or entertains them without asking for anything in return. Post guides, tips, or how-to’s that address their pain points. At the end, simply offer a call-to-action that invites them to engage further by downloading a free resource, signing up for a webinar, or following your page.
Example: Post a 3-part Instagram story that walks through a common problem your audience faces (e.g., “How to improve productivity in 3 easy steps”), then provide a link to download a free resource for further tips.
Nurturing Brand Loyalty from the Start:
Gary talks extensively about the long-term game of building brand loyalty from the very first interaction. He believes that by showing up consistently and engaging directly with your audience (e.g., replying to comments, answering DMs, etc.), you’re starting the process of turning strangers into loyal fans.
In the Awareness stage, Gary argues that your interaction with customers should feel personal and authentic. People connect with people, not just brands. The more human your brand feels, the more likely people are to follow you and eventually become paying customers.
Engage directly with your audience on social media. Respond to comments, questions, and mentions. Show your human side by sharing behind-the-scenes content or stories about your journey. Make your audience feel like they’re part of something larger by recognizing their input and interaction.
Example: If someone comments on one of your posts, reply with a thoughtful comment that adds value or asks a question to keep the conversation going. Doing this consistently will build rapport and brand loyalty.
Key Takeaways:
Create irresistible offers that grab immediate attention. If your offer isn’t strong enough, people will pass over you, regardless of it being free or paid.
Consistent, value-driven content to build awareness organically. The more you give upfront, the more your audience will trust and engage with your brand.
Lead with value—focus on helping your audience before trying to sell to them.
The key to success in the Awareness stage is to provide immense value upfront, show up consistently, and create offers or content that grab attention immediately. By combining the actionable tactics of bold offers from Alex Hormozi and content-driven engagement from Gary Vee, you’ll be well-equipped to build strong awareness that pulls people into your funnel.
Again, this material is what I'm developing for a programme, so please drop your thoughts and feedback below, much appreciated!
Part 1:
Robert Macbeth
[💣 Free course pt. 2] 👁️ Build Awareness
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