😰 Feeling Overwhelmed? Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Quit🔽
. . . You're not special, but you are unique!
Transformation follows a universal process. Once excitement wooos cool, we're left to put the work behind the woo. It gets real, real fast! From Russell, Dan H. to Alex H. offer mental models to adopt that help shift our perspective on such days, so I wanted to offer them to any other beginners:
🚀{PRIME MOVERS you know what this is!} Dan Henry shared a story that might resonate. He was nervous about a presentation when his manager snapped, "You think you’re special?!” It was a wake-up call. The company had invested heavily in a script proven successful by thousands before him. His task? Master it and deliver it effectively, not doubt its efficacy—because it works. Naturally, Dan pushed on, persevered and excelled.
Does this sound familiar to you? Are you doubting a proven process when you should be owning it?
🔥Similarly, Alex spoke on overcoming the hurdles of learning, earning, and overwhelm. When you're overwhelmed, remember this: you're at a critical juncture. 99% would give up. He said "I am certain on what this path of success is supposed to look like, so I will keep learning and working until I get it no matter what. And I feel sorry for the ***** that have to come after me bc this hard and most of them will quit."
But not you.💪 You’re here because you’re determined to keep learning/working until you get it right.
🙏Remember, the journey is hard, not just for you but for everyone! Stand guard at your mind—persist and prevail— "just for today!"
➡️➡️➡️ Where are you on the Transformation Curve?
💡 | Phase 1: Uninformed Optimism
🧐 | Phase 2: Informed Pessimism
😰 | Phase 3: Valley of Despair
🥰 | Phase 4: Informed Optimism
🏆 | Phase 5: Success & Fulfillment
🤷‍♀️| I don't know, sometimes I'm just trying to get through the day.
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Adrienne Potts
😰 Feeling Overwhelmed? Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Quit🔽
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