Cleaning up a mess
Hello everyone! I've been a marketer for about 20 years - but it was in a highly regulated industry and we couldn't run paid ads. So I'm learning. I've taken hours of training on Google Ads through Skillshop - but I've learned way more through Grow My Ads YT videos. So THANK YOU!
I have a bit of a mess to clean up. I'm the Marketing Director for a company and an agency has been managing our Google Ads. There is currently 1 General Campaign, 1 Ad Group, and 188 Broad Match Keywords. Note: Over half of the 188 keywords are either low quality, irrelevant, or redundant. In addition, our Ads have very generic headlines and descriptions.
I've laid out a clear plan for a new structure. 1 Branded Campaign with 1 Ad Group associated with that campaign. 1 Non-Brand Campaign with 8 Ad Groups (1 for each of our very different product categories). I've also planned out the headlines, descriptions, and keywords for the ads associated with each Ad Group.
I have 2 questions:
1) Should I just pause the junk keywords or should I remove them?
2) Once I get the new Campaigns setup, should I follow a particular plan to cut over from the existing Campaign to the new ones? Will it take time for my new campaigns to to warmup? My concern is that Google Ads generates leads for us and I don't want us to go dark. We aren't getting many leads right now - but it's better than nothing. So I want to manage the cutover carefully. I hope that makes sense!
As mentioned, I've learned a lot and I fee like I have a firm grasp on what needs to be done. I just need some reassurance. I also welcome any warnings! Thanks!
Heather Parsons
Cleaning up a mess
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