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10 contributions to PPC Launchpad By
Hey Hey...
I just found this group today and have been consuming the free course. Excited to test a few things outs. A few questions @Austin LeClear I ran some PMax 2022 when it was forced over and in Q1 of 2023. I have some old campaigns that have conversion history. But with it being 12-18 months since I last ran Pmax would you start entirely fresh or would you turn on the best performing of 3-5 old Pmax campaigns and then restructure/update them per this outline. Would using the old one help the campaign optimize quicker. I can't remember the exact reason I went away, but they did have decent performance. My last 18 months has been relying on Brand Search, Traditional Search, and Standard Shopping and I just can't get the Standard Shopping to scale like I need and I think by running PMax I will get preferential treatment in the auction. And honestly I could use some low hanging fruit these days and if that comes with PMax I'm fine with that. I've heard a lot of people trash on how it just retargets and can't scale, but my sales are slow this time of year with my products being a spring/summer offering. Also I'm curious if you would create Asset Groups with overlapping categories. It's not the same as duplicating and then changing audience signals, which you very clearly say not to do. This is having products that can apply to one asset group with one entire message angle and then having those products in a different asset group, but the messaging is entirely different. Thanks for your input.
New comment 6d ago
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First things first. I hope it's alright that I answer some of your questions. Are you sure the Pmax campaign is performing well? If so, did you remember to exclude your brand name? If not, performance often appears inflated. Brand conversions are typically “fake conversions”—people searching for your brand usually intend to visit your website. If no one else is bidding on your brand name, I would exclude it from all campaigns and run a separate brand search campaign with the CPC set as low as possible, like $0.10 or something similar. Regarding the shopping campaign, did you optimize it? Optimizing is, in my opinion, the most crucial part of Google Ads. Simply starting a campaign and expecting it to perform well is not enough, and relying on luck is never a good strategy. Marketing requires a logical, data-driven approach. With that in mind, did you optimize the product feeds in your Merchant Center? This is essential for shopping ads, and you can often boost performance significantly by doing this. Another step to improve performance is to invest in a CSS partner, which ensures that your entire budget goes towards the auction. If you need further help, feel free to DM me. I run an agency that specializes in Google Ads, so I'd be happy to assist you.
0 likes • 6d
@Bj Smith Yeah, I did not know if you were new user to Google ads or not. Just went with the help I could provide. To answer your first qeustion about p-max: If the old campaigns had strong conversion history, reactivating them could help you optimize quicker because they already have historical data for Google's algorithm to leverage. This can lead to faster learning and improved performance compared to a completely new campaign. But I will say that you should run a A/B test which one will peform best after 1 month... I do not know the qeustion to the last qeustion :)
My new campaigns are not spending ...
I created two new campaigns for a new collection on my website with brand new products. I created one PMAX campaign and one search campaign. Search is 15€/day - max conversion value as an objective (no ROAS limit) PMAX is 15€/day - max conversion value as an objective (no ROAS limit) I've also tried with maximise converion as an campaign goal but it did not work either. Anyone have had the same issue before?
New comment 6d ago
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Have tou checked the date you are reviewing your ads for? Somtimes we forget to set the right date (even us PPC specialist…) If that’s not it Try to look inside the campaings, any errors? Look in the ads and adsets
Getting shown on Google maps
Hi how can I ensure an ad for a local business is showing in the maps? Thanks in advance Lawrence
New comment 7d ago
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I can record a small video on how to do it, and send it to you?
0 likes • 7d
If I were you I would diffrentiate from search network and display. Because the display Network most of the time don’t work. I would reccomend locating most of the budget into the search, and exclude display. I’m gonna make the video later :)
Looking for Google Ads Advice for Local Gym - $25-50 Daily Budget
I run a local service-based business (gym) and I’m looking for help with setting up Google Ads to generate leads. I have a daily budget of $25-50. Could anyone offer advice on: - Search Campaign structure (or advice if you think I should do more than search...?) - Any tips on keywords would be awesome - Any tips for optimizing on this smaller budget would be greatly appreciated! P.S. I'm also looking to not get scammed if I hire someone - is this worth hiring someone to do it for me? I have marketing experience so I'm not bad with tech - have run FB ads for years.
New comment 10d ago
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Hey Nick, I manage ads for a gym chain with 11 locations. I’ve mainly worked on Meta ads for them, so I have a good sense of what works and what doesn’t in the gym industry. Are you looking to hire someone?
0 likes • 11d
@Nick Gale I have managed Google Ads for various industries and recently closed a deal with a gym that has four centers. The agreement includes both Google and Meta advertising. During our call, I briefly reviewed their Google Ads and noticed a lot of wasted spend. However, I haven’t started the marketing yet—just provided some initial insights on what works and what doesn't. But I will guarantee that I can get the job done. Plus, I don’t require long-term contracts. If you're not satisfied with the results after 30 days, you're free to end the partnership. If this sounds interesting, feel free to message me in dm’s
Results with shopping
how long will it take to see results in the shopping campaign with my supplements brand? We used to market on meta and now we want to use google ads because the majority of the brands market here.
New comment 13d ago
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It is impossible to give an exact timeframe. But let me ask you this: Did Meta underperform? If so, did you remember to use retargeting in your ads? Did you splittest between content? If you know your product is better than your competitors', it's only a question of finding the right marketing strategy. This is the same for Google. You can almost allways take the market if your product is better (provides more value) and cheaper (cheaper in form of giving more value for lower price). How much have you spend? I have helped an big Supplement store before with an ad strategy so if you provide me with more information about what is running, you product and so on, I might be able to help.
0 likes • 13d
@Yasine Labiodh then it should be no problem to get the performance up. You just need the right setup. Have you optimized your product titles in the merchant center or backend?
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Julius Schaufuss
12points to level up
Google ads specialist, book a meeting in my calendar:

Active 7h ago
Joined Sep 4, 2024
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