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15 contributions to PPC Launchpad By
How to drive traffic with ads
Hi all! I just launched my website. I am having trouble with the ad world and would love some guidance to drive traffic! I am trying to understand how it all works but having a hard time. Thanks
New comment 15d ago
1 like • 21d
Hi Shanna, if you don't understand Google Ads then don't spend any money until you do. I would suggest watching the videos of the guys in this group and starting at the beginning or if time is imoprtant then pay a professional. Q4 is coming and its money making season.
0 likes • 15d
@Shanna Schanker Really depends what you are selling and also your budget for running ads on multiple platforms. If you have a retail store with lots of SKUs then start with Google Ads and if its a 1 or 2 product store then look into Facebook Ads. If you have a following on Facebook and Instagram then spend money there. But hard to give anymore advice without knowing what your business does. As for professionals there is a whole group here of professionals of all levels.
How to be profitable with google ads?
Hey guys, I'm trying to calculate the numbers in ecom with google ads. And I'm a little confused on how the numbers make sense. I'm assuming the cpc as $1 and conversion rate as 2%. And I looked up for sunscreen, products range from $20 - $50. So, I assumed $40 AOV. But these numbers are not at all profitable, can s1 help me understand how these numbers work? (I've attached images below)
New comment 22d ago
How to be profitable with google ads?
1 like • 22d
Your ROAS needs to be at least 2 or above , you are showing 0.8x which means you are losing money on every dollar spent. If you spend $40 on ads and don't get a profitable sale within a few days then kill the ads or change it. Assuming your product costs and shipping is around $15 leaving $25 profit from which you would spend some on ads then you need to getting sales after spending $5 leaving you $10 profit. Your 10k spend should be bringing you at least 20k revenue, minus 200 x $15 would leave you $7k profit. You need to up your conversion rate and spend less in clicks but harder with lower priced goods.
how do you get clients?
Who's your target audience? How do you get in front of them? What does your sales process look like?
New comment 22d ago
0 likes • 22d
Networking, local meetings, talk to people they all want Google Ads
Pmax or shopping ads?
Hello we have an ecom niche product in the bathroom. Price is about $500 and market is in Aus. We are the only product in the country that can do what we do but its not like a super viral product. Wondering if we should go pmax or shopping ads for this?
New comment 21d ago
2 likes • 22d
If you have been running ads and getting sales for a while then think about PMAX otherwise stick with Search and Shopping Ads
Here's what you need to know about product titles👇🏻
Optimizing your product title can lead to a 250% increase in clicks and 93.65% increase in conversions? From my experience, I've seen cases where just fine-tuning product titles resulted in a staggering 93.65% increase in conversions. If you're running Shopping campaigns, don't underestimate the power of a well-crafted title. It's not just about stuffing keywords—it's about creating titles that align perfectly with what your customers are searching for. Then the Outcomes? Better visibility, higher click-through rates, and a significant boost in conversions. Don't leave money on the table. Start optimizing your product titles today!
New comment 15d ago
2 likes • 22d
Added to good quality images too
1-10 of 15
Steve Cox
7points to level up
I own an agency running Google Ads for e-commerce and Facebook Lead Ads for small business customers. We also build converting Shopify stores.

Active 15d ago
Joined May 22, 2024
Windsor/ Saigon
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